There are many things you can learn when you’re a parent: the art of getting stains out of clothes, how to say “no” nicely, and the best ways to disguise vegetables in meals, to name a few.
But no matter how prepared you try to be, there will always be those surprises that leave you totally flabbergasted and at a loss at what to do.

One mom in Pennsylvania knows only too well what it feels like to be on the receiving end of such a surprise.
Posted by Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle on Sunday, December 27, 2020
Lisa Hoelzle shared a Facebook post that documented the frustrating situation she was dealing with – and it involved her kids Noah and Abigail, both 6.
Posted by Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle on Sunday, December 27, 2020
The children had been innocently playing downstairs after finishing virtual school when things went awry…
One of their favorite toys of the moment was Bunchems, little balls with a velcro-like stickiness that can be stuck together to make animals and other fun shapes.

Bunchems come with a warning to keep them away from hair – and we’re about to see why…
Noah, who Lisa calls a “little jokester” decided to upturn a box of Bunchems over Abigail’s head, and the inevitable happened.

When Lisa asked Noah what was going on, she discovered that her daughter’s hair was now accessorized with nearly 150 Bunchems – and true to their design, they wouldn’t come out.
Posted by Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle on Sunday, January 10, 2021
Speaking to People about the moment she came across her daughter’s hair, Lisa recalled:
“I think I had an out-of-body experience. She had about 150 of these things layered and matted in her hair . They made it worse trying to remove them theirselves because the connect together kinda like Velcro.”
Lisa documented on Facebook that in 3 hours, she was only able to remove 15 Bunchems from Abigail’s hair.
She and her husband researched how to remove the Bunchems, and that’s when they realized what a sticky situation they were in.
Posted by Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle on Sunday, January 10, 2021
They tried using a combination of conditioner and vegetable oil. Not only was that messy, but it also didn’t work.
Dan, Lisa’s husband, managed to remove 10 more balls from Abigail’s new ‘do. It was now 1 am.

To avoid further tangles, Lisa had her daughter sleep on her lap. While Abigail slept, Lisa attempted to plan her next move.
On the advice of her mom friends, Lisa purchased a detangling comb and some mineral oil – then the fun began again.

It took 20 hours in total to remove the Bunchems – including tears from Lisa (apparently Abigail was taking the situation surprisingly well) and a lot of hair loss.
Posted by Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle on Sunday, January 10, 2021
The Bunchems were trashed, and Abigail spent an hour or more in the bathtub with conditioner.

Lisa expressed her gratitude that the traumatic situation hadn’t ended worse, despite her swollen fingers, writing:
“I feel like we had a miracle with all of our prayers. We saved her hair and although it is thinner it wasn’t as damaged and ruined as I thought so Thank you God !!!”
She finished by urging other moms to trash their Bunchems before the same misfortune could fall on them.

Apparently, Bunchems are no longer commercially available – and thank goodness for that! A bit of childish fun should never result in a permanent wacky hairstyle – or worse, a head shave.
This certainly is every mom’s nightmare! You can check out Lisa’s full Facebook post here.
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