Mom gets arrested after going to school posing as her daughter
Casey Garcia is a mom in her 30s who decided to pose as her 13-year-old daughter to 'test' the vigilance of her middle school. They didn't fare too well.
Elijah Chan

“I didn’t do this to get views. I didn’t do this to get likes.”

This was the admission of Casey Garcia.

She’s a 30-year-old mom who got arrested after doing something to protect her daughter.

Her stunt, as controversial as it may seem, forced a conversation in her community on their children’s safety within the school’s vicinity.

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

Were her actions justified?

Was her punishment fair? What would you have done to protect a loved one?

It was an ordinary school day at San Elizario. A student in a yellow hoodie marched into the hallways of an unnamed school.

A few of the people she walked past greeted her and wished her a pleasant morning. She greeted them back as well.

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

It would’ve ended just like any normal school day, but at that moment, the school became part of a “social experiment”.

The student was not a real student.

It was Garcia dressed exactly like her daughter. Garcia said she wanted to prove a point.

According to her jail records, Garcia stands at 4 feet, 11 inches at weighs 105 pounds. Physically, she can be mistaken as a seventh-grade student.

She took her disguise further by dying her hair and using a skin tanner.

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

She got further than she should’ve.

When she was asked for an ID, she provided her daughter’s ID number.

After that, she found herself freely roaming the school grounds.

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

She interacted with people as if she was a real student. She greeted people in the hallways, went to different classes, and even ate lunch in the cafeteria without her hood or mask on.

Her ruse should’ve been discovered by that time but Garcia made it all the way to her daughter’s afternoon classes.

Finally, a teacher noticed her.

“I think the deal-breaker for me was actually walking in and posing as a seventh-grader. I mean, I’m no spring chicken, but it wasn’t hard. And I made it to all seven periods, until the last teacher, she was female, and she said, ‘Julie, can you stay after class?’ And I said absolutely.” Garcia said as quoted by Yahoo! News

“She looked at me and she (said), ‘You’re not Julie.’”

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

All throughout the day, Garcia admitted that she was nervous to the point that she had trouble breathing and wanted to throw up.

She stayed, nonetheless, because she wanted to emphasize the problem.

And it is a problem.

Pexels - Katerina Holmes
Pexels - Katerina Holmes

“I stayed because look, no one noticed I was there. That is a problem.” Yahoo! News quoted her.

Garcia was firm with her decision and said she did this to prove a point.

She said that she only did what she did to expose the porous security measures at her daughter’s school.

Something that should concern all parents.

Pexels - Caleb Oquendo
Pexels - Caleb Oquendo

“I’m telling you right now, we need better security at our schools,” she says in the video she posted. “This is what I tried to prove. I kind of feel like I proved it.”

She also admitted that her actions elicited a highly polarized discussion.

But she remained firm in her actions.

YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia
YouTube Screenshot - Casey Garcia

“I exposed the dangers of our schools and I am trying to protect my children and yours. If you want to come after me for that, there’s really nothing else I can say.” She said.

See the video that landed her in the slammer below!

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