Mom bringing baby on flight causes a commotion so she starts handing passengers little bags
The passengers didn't understand what she was doing, but it soon became clear.
Jake Manning

Stepping into motherhood is a transformative journey, where your life intertwines with that of your precious little one.

For one new mom, this journey included a daunting 10-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea to San Francisco, California, with her four-month-old son, Junwoo.

The thought of keeping a baby calm on such a long flight is enough to make any parent nervous, as babies aren’t exactly known for their love of long-haul travel.


Determined to make the journey as smooth as possible, this inventive mom came up with a thoughtful plan to keep the peace.

She was traveling with her mother and was on her way to visit Junwoo’s aunt.

Aware that a fussy baby might disturb fellow passengers, she decided to take a proactive approach.


As the plane soared into the sky, the new mother, cradling her baby boy, embarked on a mission down the aisles.

She handed out small goodie bags to each passenger, a gesture of goodwill and an appeal for understanding.

Each bag contained a heartfelt note from Junwoo: “Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old. Today, I am going to the U.S. with my Mom and Grandmom to see my aunt.

I’m a little bit nervous and scary because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise.

I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me.

So my mom prepared little goodie bag for you! It was some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you.”


This act of kindness didn’t go unnoticed.

Fellow passenger Dave Corona was so moved by the gesture that he shared the story on Facebook, along with a photo of the note.

He also happily reported that Junwoo was a well-behaved traveler, causing no disturbance during the flight.

“On a Ten hour flight from Seoul, Korea to San Francisco, a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her 4 month old child cried during the flight. A very touching gesture by the mother but as you know when you have kids expect the unexpected. Not a peep out of the kid.”


The internet’s reaction to this story was a mix of admiration and reflection.

While many praised the mother’s considerate gesture, others expressed concern that society’s expectations might be too harsh on parents.

The story also sparked a conversation about the anxiety new mothers often face, especially regarding how they are perceived as parents.

The fear of judgment can be overwhelming, making even a simple flight a source of stress.

Despite the mixed reactions, the mother’s thoughtful approach was widely commended.

Her consideration for her fellow passengers was seen as a reflection of her character.


Junwoo is indeed fortunate to have such a caring and considerate mother.

Parenting is no easy feat, but this story is a reminder of the lengths parents go to for their children and those around them.

It’s a call for empathy and understanding towards new parents, who are doing their best to navigate the challenges of parenthood.

Let’s remember to be supportive and kind, for one day, we might find ourselves in similar shoes, hoping for the same understanding from others.

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Source: Facebook – David Corona
