As a parent, we try to give our kids the very best. So when school photos come around we dress them up and can’t wait to get the adorable proofs back from the school.
What could be better than a professional photo of your child posing proudly in front of a blown-up image of their school’s logo? It’s something to hang above the mantelpiece forever, even when your kids are old enough to find it embarrassing.

Things don’t always go as planned
But, as many of us parents will know, school photos and young children don’t always mix well.
There are terribly-timed tantrums, messy lunches that just have to fall before camera time, that one kid that flat-out refuses to smile, and the other that smiles so broadly they look like a serial killer.
But when one mom received photos of her child to choose from, she knew her little girl wasn’t to blame for what she found… she was.

The biggest mom blunder of all
Paige Ward had sent her daughter to school in a t-shirt that read “sasshole” along the front.
We’ll repeat that again – that’s “sasshole”. The sort of word you’d probably have to do a double-take at anyway, considering the word it’s deliberately supposed to read like.
As is hardly surprising, when Paige received her daughter’s school photos, she discovered that the ‘Sasshole’ t-shirt without the “S” looked very rude.

The biggest smile
What made matters worse was that Paige’s daughter looks nothing short of adorable in her school photo, beaming innocently at the camera.
Unfortunately, Paige knew that she couldn’t buy these photos – unless she wanted to give visitors a laugh.

She shared a video to TikTok explaining her awkward situation, writing in the caption:
“If you ever thought you were a bad mom. At least you didn’t forget picture day, and send your toddler to nursery in this.”
The video went viral in no time at all, with 11 million views, nearly 500,000 likes, 80,000 shares and 8,000 comments.

Fellow parents react to the photos
Some people commented that being parents themselves, they were going to deliberately send their kids to school like this. Someone else wrote:
“That’s not a bad moment, that’s a great moment because your daughter is going to have that vibe when she gets older.”

Others were confused about why Paige had sent her child to school in a suggestive t-shirt, questioning whether the photo was actually funny – because this wasn’t really a t-shirt design fail; rather, what the t-shirt had been hinting at all along.
When asked why someone would ever give their kid a t-shirt like that, Paige jokingly replied:
“BECAUSE I’M A BAD MOM. And it says ‘Sasshole’.”

Paige then posted a series of videos responding to people who couldn’t see the funny side of her mistake.
One of them included a screenshot of a comment berating her for buying giving her daughter the t-shirt, to which Paige posted a dance, which prompted hundreds of users to jump to her defense.
Another video featured the question: “Have you been attacked by Karen yet? I would order prints😂”

In response to this, Paige and her daughter posed menacingly to AC/DC’s “Back In Black”.
Moms have every right to dress their children how they want to, and while we think Paige’s mistake is hilarious, we’re surprised she didn’t see it coming!
To see the hilarious photos for yourself watch the video below. This is something mom will surely never, ever forget!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Me and Emma joined the CF today. Smash random buttons so we can give you guys some merch! ##sasshole ##toddlersoftiktok ##fyp