Dad hilariously loses battle against triplets when they raid the fridge
There’s no way dad will ever win this battle. He’s outnumbered! 😂
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Caring for a newborn is exhausting. Feedings every couple of hours, constant diaper changes, lots of rocking, walking, soothing and singing especially if the baby is colicky.

Once that cutie pie becomes mobile, parenthood becomes even more of a workout. Rolling, scooting, crawling, furniture cruising and then it’s off to the races!

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

Now, after envisioning that craziness, imagine parenting multiples. With twins you have your hands full. Triplets or more and you’re scarily outnumbered.

The house must be baby-proofed, which is a task unto itself. Sleep deprivation makes the challenge of chasing multiples daunting but oooh the memories you’re making.

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

In 2019, Xavier Rogers and his wife Maria of Texas welcomed the most beautiful triplets into the world. Elliot, Elijah and Sophia definitely keep their parents on their toes.

Even crazier is that Elliot and Elijah are identical twins. How on earth can they tell those sweet babies apart?

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

The Rogers share their wild parenting adventures on their YouTube channel Rogers 3x Family. Some of their tales are truly laughable as you feel sorry for them or maybe even relate to them.

Bathtime is insane. Feeding time is chaos. But the love, well, it’s three times as much.

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

Other video clips make you wonder how on earth these parents wrangle their triplets without completely losing their sanity.

Something as simple as opening the refrigerator door to grab an item becomes an Olympic event when you have triplets, which Xavier shows in a video his wife posted to Facebook.

As soon as that magical door opens up with the shiny bright light that all of the yummy food comes out of, the triplets are drawn to the appliance like a moth to a flame. As soon as one baby stands up at the shelves, the two others make a beeline straight for it.

Facebook/Marie Mekebri
Facebook/Marie Mekebri

Dad gently pulls one baby away and one spins around to find another baby already in the fridge.

He snatches up one and plops it down behind him, turns and snatches the other sibling only to have the first sibling sneak his way back into the fridge.

It’s sheer chaos!

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

It’s great how Dad hustles around with a smile on his face and Mom can be heard giggling in the background.

“Just a normal day over here lol…I love that Xavier has way more patience than me.”

Facebook/Maria Mekerbi
Facebook/Maria Mekerbi

Dad handles the situation with true finesse as he repeatedly scoops up babies determined to bust into the fridge and get their chubby little mitts on something.


Facebook/Maria Mekerbi
Facebook/Maria Mekerbi

Notice that the babies are grinning as if they are playing a game with dad and he hasn’t quite mastered the skills yet. They’re having such fun!

This family of five has posted videos on their YouTube page that documents the babies’ gender reveal, the delivery, baby name surprise, the day all three finally could meet each other and a sneak peek of their nursery.

YouTube/Rogers 3x Family
YouTube/Rogers 3x Family

Allowing the world to catch glimpses of their lives with triplets is a wonderful thing to do. The rest of us can only imagine how crazy fun and challenging their lives are and will continue to be as the kids grow up.

There likely will be tears as the babies head off to preschool and then kindergarten. Even more will be shed at high school graduation and college drop-off.

Facebook/Maria Mekebri
Facebook/Maria Mekebri

Can you fathom having three 16-year-olds driving at the same time? What an amazing journey this family has embarked upon!

The wrangling of these triplets is just the start of the fun they’re about to have. Good luck Rogers family!

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