For some soon-to-be parents, finding out the gender of their baby before it’s important isn’t a big deal. For others? They want to know! Knowing the gender might help the parents prepare for certain color schemes of the nursery and clothing, planning the name of the baby, buying certain toys – or just knowing for the sake of knowing.
For one family, they were fully prepared to have a baby girl. After all, that’s what the ultrasounds had revealed.

Koto Nakamura and her husband were ecstatic to hear that they were having a baby. As the pregnancy progressed, they had numerous ultrasounds that revealed a healthy, growing baby. The gender? They were told they were going to have a little girl.
Preparing to have a daughter, they informed all of their family and friends that a little Koto would be coming into the world. Of course, the girly, pink gifts came flooding in. Little did they know that everything would change on Baby Nakamura’s birthday.
When Koto went into labor, she was taken to the hospital and invited photographer Jessica Jackson to come along to capture the miraculous moment.
The birth went without a hitch but little did Koto and her husband know…everything they thought they were expecting was about to drastically change. After the baby was born and the doctors were giving the first health exam, they gave the new parents the surprise of a lifetime.
Expecting to be handed her new baby daughter, Koto was informed that she was, in fact, the mother of a baby son instead!
At first, Koto thought that the doctors and nurses were joking. How could all of the ultrasounds be wrong? She just couldn’t quite wrap her head around what was happening. That is…until they placed the baby boy in her arms.
It was at this very moment, when her son was placed into her arms, that Koto realized that this was not a joke at all. That’s when photographer Jessica Jackson snapped the most priceless photo ever.
The shocked, priceless look on Koto’s face when she realized that she had a son – not a daughter – was perfectly captured in one incredible photo.
Shared on Jes Jackson’s Instagram page, she posted the photo along with the caption:
“The priceless look on a mamas face who was told she was having a baby girl but received a baby boy!! Talk about a big surprise!! Any one else get a surprise like this at birth?”
As it turns out, it’s not uncommon for doctors or nurses to incorrectly name the gender of the baby during ultrasound appointments.
According to CNN, “Making the wrong call happens more frequently than we realize, perhaps as high as one out of ten times. ‘It’s not that uncommon to have gender wrong,’ said Dr. John Williams III, Director of Reproductive Genetics at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, said. ‘It’s just a screening tech. They can’t make a guarantee of that.'”
Of course, after the shock of the surprise wore off, Koto and her husband couldn’t have been more ecstatic about her baby – regardless of gender. They’ll just need to figure out a way to replace all of those pink clothes and decor with a more fitting color! Hopefully, she saved her receipts! And adorably, they named their son Taiga — meaning “big and gracious” in Japanese.
Watch more in the quick video clip below.
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