Mom hits brakes when she hears baby crying in ditch and it turns out to be kidnapped boy
Brittney was driving with her windows down, hoping to find the kidnapped 3-month-old. Amazingly, she did.
Jake Manning

Every parent’s worst nightmare is the thought of their child being taken from them.

That chilling fear became a harrowing reality for Gena Wilson in the town of Alton, Illinois.

On what seemed like an ordinary day, Gena’s world was turned upside down when her 3-month-old baby, Ghyadi, disappeared along with the van he was in.

Facebook - Attempt to Locate
Facebook - Attempt to Locate

The incident began innocently enough.

Gena had left her car running in her driveway with little Ghyadi safely inside.

She momentarily stepped back into her home to fetch a few items.

But in that brief span, her world was shattered. When she returned, both Ghyadi and the van had vanished.

Facebook - Attempt to Locate
Facebook - Attempt to Locate

The local police were alerted, and an Amber Alert was promptly issued.

But it wasn’t just the authorities who sprung into action.

The community, showcasing the strength of human spirit and unity, came together in this dire hour.

They began searching on foot, praying to find the sweet little boy unharmed.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

Among the many searching was Brittney Ford, a mother of three.

She, along with her aunt, drove around the neighborhood, windows down, music off, straining their ears for any sign of the baby.

Their maternal instincts proved right when they heard the faint cries of Ghyadi emanating from a ditch.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

The heart of Alton was gripped by a mix of relief and anguish when Ghyadi was found, not in the comfort of his crib, but on the side of the road, in a ditch.

The baby, though alive, was not unscathed.

He had been left alone, vulnerable to the elements, for what police estimated to be 2 to 3 hours.

The cold had taken its toll, and Ghyadi was rushed to Children’s Hospital, suffering from hypothermia and bruises.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

The emotional toll of the incident was evident in Gena’s words.

She expressed her disbelief and anguish over the ordeal, grateful for her son’s safety but haunted by the thought of what could have been.

The raw emotion in her voice resonated with every parent’s worst nightmare.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

Brittney, reflecting on the incident, voiced a sentiment shared by many.

She told FOX 2 News:

“No mother should ever have to go through that.”

Her words, filled with empathy and understanding, highlighted the universal bond of parenthood.

The pain of one mother was felt by all, and the community’s collective sigh of relief upon Ghyadi’s rescue was present.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of life.

But it also shows the power of community, of people coming together in times of crisis.

According to the news station, a 15-year-old was arrested and will be charged as an adult.

Thank goodness the mom was able to help bring Gena’s sweet baby home!

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis
YouTube Screenshot - FOX 2 St. Louis

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