Mom gives birth in coma. Then 3 months later, she meets her baby for the 1st time
The birth didn't go as planned, but this beautiful reunion made it all worth it. ❤️
Elijah Chan

Mothers are made of sterner stuff.

There’s no doubt about that.

But in a story of resilience and hope, a mother fought through the odds to survive and reunite with her newborn child she hadn’t seen for months.

Pexels - Tim Mossholder
Pexels - Tim Mossholder

In the years 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world and brought about unprecedented strain on healthcare systems everywhere.

Kelsey Townsend and her family prepared as much as possible to weather the sickness.

The entire family strictly adhered to safety protocols by hunkering in, having their groceries delivered, wearing masks diligently, and isolating whenever they can.

Pexels - Anna Shvets
Pexels - Anna Shvets

Because while they had no pre-existing medical conditions, Kelsey was pregnant, and they couldn’t risk her getting sick, especially when the hospitals couldn’t accommodate everyone.

Then, when they least expected it, the family began experiencing symptoms.

Derek, her husband, was hit hard, but he was able to recover in just 48 hours.

It was a different story for Kelsey and her baby, however.

YouTube Screenshot UW Health
YouTube Screenshot UW Health

She deteriorated rapidly and was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Kelsey didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye to her other children.

It would be the last time they’d see their mother for a while.

In a desperate attempt to save both mother and child, the doctors had to deliver the baby.

They induced a coma for Kelsey and delivered baby Lucy via C-section.

This moment would’ve caused a celebration but not for the Townsends.

Kelsey was still in a coma, and due to COVID-19 restrictions, Derek couldn’t even see his newborn daughter.

YouTube Screenshot UW Health
YouTube Screenshot UW Health

Derek would also not see his wife for a while, and it pained him because her wife was fighting for her life without him beside her.

Eventually, Derek brought Lucy home.

However, Kelsey was transferred to another hospital because she needed a double lung transplant.

Derek vividly recalls the desperation in the doctor’s voice when the news of the transfer was relayed to them.

YouTube Screenshot UW Health
YouTube Screenshot UW Health

Derek was granted special permission on Christmas Eve to be at Kelsey’s side.

At that point, Kelsey only had one week to recover to withstand the surgery.

Everyone hoped for a miracle – and their prayers didn’t go unanswered.

Kelsey began recovering.

Not only was she getting better, but she was also doing so quickly and at an astounding pace.

A month after, she was allowed to go home, and even better, she got out of the hospital without needing a transplant.

YouTube Screenshot UW Health
YouTube Screenshot UW Health

Kelsey’s first thoughts were for her daughter.

In an emotional moment, Kelsey held Lucy for the first time.

She was reunited with her other kids, who have been waiting for her to return.

YouTube Screenshot UW Health
YouTube Screenshot UW Health

“I was overjoyed. I have so much to live for all right here in front of me,” she said to TODAY.

“I was so excited to come home and hold everyone.”

Kelsey needed to recover some more, but this time, she was surrounded by her loved ones.

Derek helps her around, especially since the doctor advised Kelsey not to do things that are physically straining.

He says her health is the most important thing for the family.

“We have our happy ending. We are so blessed.”

Watch this mother meets the baby she gave birth to while in a coma.

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