The dreaded temper tantrum. The question is not whether it will strike but how to handle it when it does.
Sooner or later all parents have to deal with their precious kiddos having an emotional outburst. We can’t blame them.
The world is a confusing place when you’re small and still learning about the world around you.
Thankfully, moms are here to help us

It is not easy to stay calm when a meltdown happens. Seeing our kids upset and hurting is hard.
It is easy to get caught up in the emotion or frustrated that our child is losing it over something we find insignificant.
What does help is staying relaxed.
Unfortunately, that can be easier said than done. One mom happened to catch one of these moments on camera and shared it on TikTok to help other parents.

Mom, Destiny Bennett, shared a recent video showing how she dealt with her son’s anger.
After Bennett’s five-year-old son, Cash, got into a heated argument with his siblings, she stepped outside with him to have a word.
This mama knows how to handle

Bennett knew that her son was taking the situation very hard.
Cash and his siblings were fighting over sharing their toys. This is nothing new and parents deal with this kind of dilemma all the time.
Although there are countless ways to handle the situation, Bennett’s video showed parents a better way to respond to their children.
Getting on their level
Big emotions.
Bennett’s TikTok video included a caption that spoke to her son’s battle with big emotions. “My five-year-old really struggles with big feelings and regulating his emotions.”
She goes on to say that his outburst was starting to affect her so she decided they should take a walk together.
“Do you know how much I love you?” – Bennett asks her son Cash
The video shows Bennett kneeling beside her small child and looking into his eyes. She then tells him how much she loves him.
She recognizes that he is feeling angry and she tells him that she wants him to feel better.

Love yourself
After telling Cash that she loves him, Bennett tells the little boy that she wants him to love himself.
She says, “I want you to love yourself enough to see how angry you are and want to feel better.” – TikTok@thebennettgang

A great lesson to learn early.
Bennett gently tells the adorable boy that just because you want something doesn’t always mean you’ll get it. This is a hard lesson to accept at any age.
Sharing this advice with young children is a great way for them to understand their wants and needs, which helps them to regulate their emotional responses when things don’t go their way.

The video includes the caption,
“Sometimes feeling better is getting the things that we want…but sometimes we can’t get the things we want and its ok to be angry but then we have to let it go and understand that we are not going to get it and we have to find another way to make our body feel better.” – TikTok@thebennettgang
The mother and son share a sweet embrace at the end of the video. This is one wise mama.
See their beautiful interaction in the video below!
@thebennettgangCan’t believe I caught this on camera #consciousparenting #consciousparenting #motherhood #consciousparenting #PawlidayPics #♬ Circle of Life – Whitesand
Our little ones will inevitably have some bad days.
It’s important for parents to have a strategy to deal with the situation that results in a happy child and a happy parent. Validate their feelings and show them that they are loved even if it doesn’t go their way.
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