The coronavirus has drastically changed the way we all live our lives.
Some of the most important events in a human’s life have been put on hold or altered in a heartbreaking way.
Abi Bordelon was looking forward to celebrating the birth of her son Remington and getting to hold him in her arms for the first time.

But coronavirus stole that joy from Bordelon.
She tested positive for the virus right before she gave birth to her baby.
As a result, she wasn’t allowed to hold her baby or to see him after she gave birth.

A mother bonding with her child for the first time is a sacred thing.
Nurses know that.
That’s why one nurse made sure that Remington would be cared for in the same way he would have if his own mom were able to talk to him.

Bordelon was overjoyed to hear that someone understood her loss and was taking on this role for her.
“This journey has been something out of a movie. I never would have thought that we’d experience something like this but I truly believe that God had his hand in all of this,” Bordelon said in a post on Facebook.

“The whole staff at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s and Children’s have been the absolute sweetest and most compassionate people throughout my whole time here. I wouldn’t have been able to make it through it without all of their love, tears, and care.”
Bordelon learned that of how her son was treated with a letter that his nurse left.

Nurse Brittany started her note by introducing herself as Remington’s nurse.
She explained that she was compelled to write the note because “my heart aches for you.”
She made sure to explain how she gave Remington some extra love since his mother could not.

“I just fed your precious baby boy Remington and he is the sweetest. After his feeding, I held him, snuggled him, and cuddled him, and then I cried! I cried sad tears for you because I couldn’t even imagine how hard it must be for you. I cried sad tears for him because he has not gotten to love on his mommy. I cried happy tears because out of all of this craziness, he is a beautiful healthy baby boy,” Brittany wrote.[0]=68.ARDeVqia7laep9FCcbYO5e0bwieYCunzjz402DRJc8erzwjYhZlcfjdLTCF5w58GVlk1eG-psEVu8wdliZxODj1ozBwf3L3oLGi4qq4bkn4eN1Vqt6IlANzGQX35VkXT7Y9XjK_YvglOi5ScfNkSIRzKmhUsDW3v3qoIgb0SZcIud2ySbeymozU2sMyuoy4RbAzfK4vPu2-M0RV7KWaOSj-LIC1M_ifDf8tbY8SZ6Ro3yYsImUDreogNglvR5Av3UlGTqrVii5NFJVaAh0Oua0NSrHx-trtOhK9MYMfCop-I0di0V_XotVvVoCdKmWEsgR5YU_b8gi0KCnOkA-fJjq-OlT3tpuKk1p0&__tn__=-R
But most importantly, Brittany explained that she loved on Remington as if he was her own.
She even made sure to tell him that his mommy and daddy love him very much.
“I just want you to feel comfort in that I, as well as his other nurses, are doing our part to let him know that it is OK and he is so loved,” Brittany wrote.

Thankfully, mom and baby were eventually discharged from the hospital.
Though Remi’s test results were pending, Bordelon reported that he was a very healthy baby.
She had to go into isolation for two weeks after that or until she tested negative.

“I cannot thank God and everyone enough for the prayers and blessings that we have received. This road hasn’t come to an end just yet for us but I can see the light. I know that we will come out of this stronger as a family and with a stronger relationship with God. He is truly the reason we have gotten this far,” Bordelon wrote on Facebook.

Bordelon wanted to share her gratitude to the hospital’s staff by posted a copy of the letter from the nurse on Facebook.
It’s a testament to how the medical community is truly going above and beyond during these times.
“This shows how absolutely amazing all of these health care workers are and they deserve the highest level of recognition for what they do. I wish I could give every single one of them a hug. I’m so so thankful for all of the nurses and doctors who helped us through this and provided me the comfort I needed. I will never forget this experience,” she wrote.
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