Being a parent is not easy. In fact, it doesn’t end when your child grows up – you still continue to guide them and be there for them when they need you.
Kids grow up so fast, don’t you agree? One day they’re asking for a new toy dinosaur, then the next, they’re off to college and need a car of their own.

Carmen decided that it was time for her to get a second job. She was preparing for something, and she wanted it to be perfect. Being a working mom is indeed a challenge.
Sure, her son is all grown up and can already take care of himself, but Carmen’s role hasn’t changed at all. She’s still there for her son, guiding him, providing for him, sending him to school, and of course, as a loving mom, she also wants to give her son something special on his birthday.

Don’t worry, she’s not spoiling him.
Carmen wanted to surprise her son on his 16th birthday. The best present she could give him is of course – his own car!
Who wouldn’t want to receive such an extravagant gift? A few months ago, Carmen decided to take in another job so she could afford this gift, and it all paid off.

Last September 26, Carmen posted a short video on her Instagram account. There, she recorded how she surprised her son with her present, and it went viral.
You may think, it’s just another video of a mom giving an expensive gift to her son, so what’s the catch?
What made it viral wasn’t the price of the gift itself; it was the reason why she gave it to him. Also, her son’s genuine and beautiful reaction was another thing to watch out for. So, grab a tissue and read through.

The video starts as Carmen’s son walks out of their house. He’s just calm as he walks outside. Then, he sees a white car slowing down their driveway. It had a bright red ribbon, and instantly, he knew that this was his gift.
It was pretty obvious that he was trying his best to keep his emotions hidden as his mom sings him the birthday song.

We’ll see how long he can hold it in.
Just then, his friends got out of the car and start recording the boy’s reaction. Dear mommy asked him to check it out, and he slowly goes inside his new car.
Okay, ready for the real present?

Carmen delivers her sweet birthday message to her son, the best gift a mother can give her child – a heartfelt message of love and appreciation.
“I’m so proud of you,” Carmen tells her sweet baby. “You a good boy. You make good grades, you don’t give me no trouble, you don’t run the streets, and you make me proud. You hear me?”
Then we see the boy’s tears started falling. He was crying not because of the car, but because of the heartfelt message that his mom said to him.

Sure, an extra job is very tiring, but for Carmen, this was all worth it. For her, this boy is her greatest gift. She saw him grow up to be a good boy, and nothing can beat that.
For parents, seeing our kids growing up to be a good person is the best gift that we could ever ask for. This young man deserved his new car, and we’re sure that Carmen thinks so too.
Did you cry? That’s okay, we did too!
It was a short video, but it was heartfelt and beautiful. It already has more than 13k views, and a lot of comments poured in. Many even asked how they can give Carmen’s son something for his birthday.
Great job, mommy Carmen! You were able to raise such a wonderful young man.
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