Mom goes into a tailspin after stranger messages her on Instagram about son’s hair and his condition
The moment she saw the word "syndrome" in the message her heart sank.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Looking at Locklan Samples, you would think he is adorable because of his hair.

People have said that his hair looks like dandelions.

Of course, looking at Locklan, you would think that it would just be normal for him to have such adorable locks.

Until, one day, Katelyn Samples, Locklan’s mother, received a private message on her Instagram account.

The stranger asked Samples if her son, Locklan, had been diagnosed with a rare case of “Uncombable Hair Syndrome.”

“At first, you see ‘syndrome’ and you’re like, ‘Oh my gosh,’ like is something wrong with my baby? Is he in pain or something?” Samples told Good Morning America.

It was a weird question, but Samples decided not to take it negatively.

She decided to search online to get an idea. Then, she called Locklan’s pediatrician and asked about it.

Samples was surprised because even Locklan’s pediatrician had never heard of the “Uncombable Hair Syndrome.”

“So they sent us to a specialist, a pediatric dermatologist at Emory in Atlanta and that’s where we were able to get the diagnosis,” Samples continued.

But what is Uncombable Hair Syndrome? Have you ever heard about it before?

According to NIH:

Uncombable hair syndrome (UHS) is a rare disorder of the hair shaft of the scalp. It is usually characterized by silvery-blond or straw-colored hair that is disorderly; stands out from the scalp; and cannot be combed flat. It may first become apparent from 3 months of age to 12 years of age.

When you see Locklan, his hair will definitely stand out – literally. It’s cute and soft.

Most cases are considered isolated and the child will outgrow it.

However, there are rare instances where the UHS is associated with other diseases. That’s why Samples is sharing awareness about UHS.

It may be easier to just think that your child has adorable but unruly hair, but it’s better to have the child tested. Pediatricians or dermatologists can help diagnose USH through a series of tests.

Despite Locklan’s syndrome, his mother shared that she is still able to comb her son’s hair, but not too often. She just lets it be.

Aside from its cuteness, it’s also low maintenance and doesn’t interfere with their lives. If his hair stands up, that’s okay. They don’t want to try and comb it because it’s fragile.

“It can get matted easily. It is very fragile. … It can get tangled and I do have to be careful,” she said. “That would be an example of a time I actually would wash it because I very rarely wash his hair. Just doesn’t need to be, it doesn’t really get greasy.”

Samples decided to start spreading awareness online. Locklan’s Instagram account already has 22.4K followers.

Aside from the information about UHS, their fans just love how adorable Locklan is.

Some compare him to a baby chick or a dandelion.

When they are outside, people can’t help but ask to touch his hair, and for Samples, as long as the people are politely asking, it’s okay.

Watch the full feature interview below, and don’t forget to follow this cute dandelion on his Instagram account.

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