A Bentonville, Arkansas, mom of two shared her inspiring story of kindness and humanity the other day, and she hopes to pass it on to others in the near future.

Devon Linden takes her two kids to swimming classes every week and she is definitely used to them not always being cooperative.
Kids do have meltdowns and parents at some point get tired of trying to calm them down or just don’t know what else to do to help them.
A few days ago, Linden reached that point where she just couldn’t move forward without taking a break.

“I was really honestly near tears just as a mom, trying to keep it together, and get my kids out of there,” Linden told 5News.
Both her kids were having meltdowns, and Linden herself was on the verge of tears. She just felt awful and so humiliated by her acting like that, but she really couldn’t change things for the better at that point.

Thankfully, someone noticed what was happening and decided to let her know that she was not alone.
A complete stranger walked up to her and passed her a note, while she was telling her that she’s got this.
“In a moment where she saw me struggling, she didn’t pass judgement on me, my kids, my parenting, anything that was happening. She just chose to bless me,” Linden said.

Linden didn’t open the note until she was in her car, but when she did, she just couldn’t hold back her tears.
The woman had written her a beautiful message of encouragement that read: Your life and purpose is huge!! Life is so precious. Every day is a gift, so make it count. Enjoy!!
But this was not all. Inside the note, she had put a $100 bill. Linden could not believe her eyes.

A complete stranger had just handed her a note that made her day, and she had also given her money.
The mom of two knew at that point that she wanted to be like this woman in the years to come.

“I’m trying to think of what this new decade is going to bring for me, what type of person I can strive to be, and I just thought, I want to be like this lady. I want to be impactful in the best way,” she said.
Linden felt so blessed and so inspired by the kind woman’s gesture.
She knew that all she wants to teach her kids as they grow up is to see other people’s struggles and try to help them in whatever way they can.

She wished she had the opportunity to say thank you to that woman and how grateful she is for her act of kindness.
“Really just thank you for seeing me in a hard time and really just giving me exactly what I needed in that moment to feel like I can spend my day being a good mom and person,” was the message that she sent out to the stranger.

Watch the video below for more details on this inspiring story.
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