Mom gets text from neighbor calling out her naked son at the window
Mom thought she was doing pretty well at the whole 'mom' thing until she got an alarming text from her neighbor.
Marilyn Caylor

This toddler found a clever way to get around quarantine rules by getting “butt-close and personal” with the entire world from the comfort of mom’s bedroom window.

And the entire world is in stitches over his sneaky antics!

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

Jeni Boysen thought she was doing alright. She’s a mom to two cute little boys, and she’s lucky enough to have met and married her soulmate, Mitch Boysen. Life appeared to be proceeding exactly as it should.

Unfortunately, just when she thought she had all her ducks in a row, Jeni’s 2-year-old toddler did something so outrageous and crazy, that suddenly all eyes were on her.

Or rather, they were on her adorable wild child of a son, Dax, who was caught flashing the entire neighborhood from her bedroom window!

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

“This is exactly the laughter I needed tonight.”

Were it not for a helpful neighbor across the street who texted a photo of the little bugger in action, Jeni would never have known what the wannabe nudist had even done.

On her Facebook page she posted the funny exchange of texts she had with her neighbor Laura, along with the incriminating screen grab of Dax doing his naughty thing:

“Ya know. Sometimes you think you’re doing okay at life and then you get a message like this from a neighbor. I just cried I laughed so hard.”

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

“Your kid is naked in your window.”

Jeni had left Dax in front of the TV so she could pop into the bathroom for a quick shower. She was literally in there for only a few minutes, and never imagined anything could go wrong since he was only a few feet away. She told Motherly:

“He was sitting on my bed watching Peppa when I hopped into the shower and still on the bed when I was done 5 minutes later.”

How much trouble could the little rascal actually get into in such a short amount of time? Well plenty, as it turns out! And this one is quite a doozy.

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

In a matter of minutes, Dax managed to get buck naked, snake himself between the blinds and window, and wave hello to everyone on the street down below.

Then he got dressed and plopped himself back in front of the TV, acting like everything was totally normal.

Which it was, in his world anyway. Jeni later commented on the photo:

“My kids may as well be nudists.”

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

Mom would have been none the wiser to his ornery behavior had it not been for the helpful text she received from Laura.

When she got out of the shower, Jeni found the cheeky toddler still watching his favorite show.

But, as soon as she saw the picture that Laura sent, she couldn’t stop laughing!

Facebook/Jeni Boysen
Facebook/Jeni Boysen

Jeni says that Dax is a typical 2-year-old, which means pretty much anything goes. Still, his naked show-and-tell was a bit of a shocker!

She’s very thankful for the good relationship she has with her friend Laura, and that she has someone to laugh about it with.

“My neighbor Laura is a friend and has kids as well, she knows my kids well.”

Jeni wasn’t sure she should share the photo at first, but after she did it went viral, with over 155K giggling shares to date.
Bored Panda
Bored Panda
The response on social media has been very supportive, especially from moms and dads who know that kids will always find a way to pull off wacky stunts right underneath your nose.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
