Mom texts daughter to go to store. Things escalated quickly when 35-year-old man responds
Mom was just texting her daughter to swing by the grocery store. Things escalated quickly...
Cedric Jackson

We’ve all had moments where we forgot someone’s number, but few end up as funny as when this mother accidentally texted a 35-year-old man instead of her daughter.

Back in late April, Imgur user velakskin posted a series of screenshots showing what happened when he got a text from a wrong number. Since he made the original post, the images have gone viral – and for good reason.

They showcase the perfect combination of a wrong number, an overbearing mother, and someone ready to have fun.


The conversation began simply enough with the mother texting:

“Hunny please grab milk and lunch meet on your way home.”

Velakskin tried to be nice at first, letting the woman know:

“I’m pretty sure you have the wrong number. I’m already at home.”

Of course, the mother didn’t believe him, assuming she was really texting her daughter Jess. She told him to go back to the store for the missing items and velakskin once again tried to be the bigger person and let her know she had the wrong number:

“Ok… but… seriously… you have the wrong number… I’m not going to the store for you.”

Instead of accepting that she did indeed have the wrong number after being told so twice, the mother insisted she was texting Jess, her daughter.

She even threatened velakskin if he didn’t do the errands, saying she would not take “you and Brad to the movies tonight.”

It was at this point that velakskin realized he wasn’t getting through to the woman and played along for a bit, asking, “What movie are we going to see?”


After a few more messages from the confused mother, velakskin even flat out says:

“Also… I’ve always dreamt of the day the I would get a wrong number text just so I could mess with the other person. Today was that day…”


Even after that statement, the mother doesn’t take the hint, just saying “Ok?” So velakskin continued:

“And I have so many good ideas but they are all adult oriented. … So first I tested waters and slowly figured out that you think you are texting your child.”

But even with that obvious explanation that velakskin was toying with her, the mother kept insisting, asking, “Did u go to the store yet?” and saying, “Your father will be home for lunch in 30 mins.”

At this point, when they had been texting for over a half-hour, velakskin decided to try again.

Once again, he explained in even more detail:

“I am a 35 year old man from Wisconsin. I swear. I could have messed with you so bad but since I is a child involved I just can’t bring myself to do it. … You have the wrong number”


Following the next disbelieving text from the mother saying, “Stop joking it isn’t cute,” velakskin decided proof was in order and sent a picture of him and his wife with the caption:

“This is me and my wife… Your husband is gonna be so mad about not having any lunch meat.”


Somehow, even after seeing a picture of the man she was talking to and his wife, the mother still didn’t believe him. To make this story even more ridiculous, the mother ended up calling Brad’s parents, despite velakskin inviting her to:

“Call me if you don’t believe me. I’ll even let you talk to my wife and 5 year old son. My other son is only 8 months. So he only knows how to say dada. And you aren’t his dada.”


After more confusion on the mother’s part, Velakskin goes back to having some fun with her, even sending her a picture of him with milk and turkey that he bought (as she requested) over an hour later.


By two hours into the conversation, even velakskin had his doubts as to whether the wrong number was still confused, but the conversation kept going in bits and pieces.

When the mother finally realized her daughter was at home asleep and she had the wrong number, she blamed velakskin, claiming he “did not sound sincere.”

This conversation gives us a good idea of just how hilarious wrong numbers can be.

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