The first time a woman gets to hold her baby in her arms is one of life’s most precious moments.
Thanks to a touching video that was uploaded to the Maternidade Cor de Rosa Facebook page, we are lucky enough to get a bedside view of a woman named Brenda Coêlho experiencing this heartwarming moment for herself.
According to RachFeed, Brenda had just given birth to her baby daughter via C-section.
As the baby was given to mom for some precious skin-on-skin time (which, according to Today’s Parent, stabilizes heart rate and breathing, amongst other benefits), the newborn surprised everyone.
It seems like the newborn was quite aware of who her mother was, cradling Brenda’s face and softly nuzzling her cheek.
According to Our Everyday Life, babies are born instinctively knowing their mother’s voice. They describe a study where babies were played a recording of their mother reciting poetry versus a recording of another woman’s voice reciting the same poem. When the babies heard their own mother reciting the poetry, their heart rate increased— a phenomenon which was explained as an in-utero familiarity to mum’s voice.
Still, however, it’s not often we see a brand-new baby displaying his or her love in such an unmistakable manner!
At about the 25-second mark, you can even hear the baby start to cry and whine a bit when the nurse attempts to pull her away.
Since being posted on May 7th, 2017, this heartwarming video has been viewed over 9.3 million times— and it’s really no surprise.
Being able to witness the immediate bond of a mother and her child firsthand provides for an extremely powerful viewing experience.
Translation: “Most beautiful thing.”
Translation: “What a blessing.”
On behalf of the staff at Shareably, I would just like to congratulate Brenda on the birth of her new daughter.
Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and snuggles like this one!
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