Pregnancy and labor are difficult. A mother’s body goes through changes in such a short time, it can be hard to keep track. Gained weight, swollen ankles— the list goes on and on. Then, as everyone is aware, labor is no walk in the park. Whether you get an epidural, a C-section, or give birth naturally, the end result is the same.
(i.e. pain)

Then why do women do it all? The tortured bodies, exhausted minds and everything else that goes along with childbearing? Well, my friends, if I had to guess, I would guess reasons like this…
In this video, viewed over 9 million times, we see an incredible moment of bonding between a Brazilian mother and her newborn child.

The video, uploaded to the Maternidade Cor de Rosa Facebook page, shows Brenda Coelho de Souza, 25, from Brazil, holding her newborn daughter for the very first time.

Brenda, who works as an administrative assistant, had just given birth to her daughter Agata Ribeiro Coehlo on April 5th at the Santa Monica Hospital in Brazil.
The baby’s birth had been through C-section and Brenda finally got to hold her for the first time.

Some sources say Brenda and Agata had been indulging in skin-on-skin contact. If you consider the fact that skin-on-skin is increasingly being promoted in hospitals around the world, the theory isn’t ridiculous..
“There are now a multitude of studies that show that mothers and babies should be together, skin to skin, immediately after birth,” The Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation explains.
“The baby is happier, the baby’s temperature is more stable and more normal, the baby’s heart and breathing rates are more stable and normal, and the baby’s blood sugar is more elevated.”
In the heartwarming video, you see newborn Agata nuzzling and cradling her mother’s cheek. Despite only having been in this world for mere minutes, Agata already seems to know that Brenda is her mom.

Brenda and the little girl are in a state of pure bliss— and I swear the love is tangible through the screen.
“It was an incredible moment when my daughter hugged me for the first time,” Brenda said.
At about 0:25 seconds, Agata even starts to whine when the nurse pulls her away from her mom.

The emotions in this video seem to resonate with people around the world. The moment is pure and touching, which makes it hard to remain unaffected.
As mentioned, the touching video was originally uploaded to the Maternidade Cor de Rosa Facebook page but has since been deleted. In August 2017, it was uploaded to YouTube by CatersNews, and a few of the comments read as follows:
“I don’t know, why tears in my eyes, while watching this video.”
“It’s amazing movement for every mom”
“Wow looking soo cute God bless you”
In case you were wondering, there’s a very good chance Agata did recognize her mother— not by sight, but by voice!
“By the time they’re born, babies can actually recognize their mother’s voice,” explains.
“In one study, doctors gave day-old infants pacifiers that were connected to tape recorders. Depending on the babies’ sucking patterns, the pacifiers either turned on a tap of their mother’s or that of an unfamiliar woman’s voice. The amazing result: Within 10 to 20 minutes, the babies learned to adjust their sucking rate on the pacifier to turn on their mother’s voice.”
See the heartwarming video below!
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