Officer loses job after choosing to care for inmate’s baby and it turns into a blessing
Even after all that’s transpired she said, “It was the right thing to do and if I had the chance I’d do it all over again.” 💘
Jessica Adler

In a landscape often shadowed by grim news, the story of Roberta Bell, a former correctional officer, emerges as a shining example of empathy and selflessness.

This narrative unfolds in an unexpected setting—a Louisiana prison—where Bell’s life takes a remarkable turn after meeting Katie Boua, a pregnant inmate.

Bell’s decision to care for Boua’s baby, in the face of professional risks, weaves a story rich in sacrifice, love, and the power of community support.

Bell sacrificed the surety of her livelihood to help another mother in need.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

Bell, a 58-year-old grandmother from Vicksburg, Mississippi, was already familiar with the rigors of caregiving, raising five of her eight grandchildren.

Her encounter with Boua at the Louisiana Transitional Center for Women marked a significant moment.

Boua, lacking someone to care for her unborn child and nearing the end of her sentence, found an unexpected protector in Bell.

Warned of a conflict of interest and facing job termination, Bell stood firm in her resolve.

She chose compassion, a choice that cost her the job but opened a new, meaningful chapter in her life.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

The story takes a heartwarming twist when Bell receives news of Boua’s baby’s birth.

The immediate bond and joy she felt with the newborn, named KAS, reflect her immense capacity for love.

Bell’s home, already filled with her grandchildren’s energy, embraced this new life.

The community’s response was equally moving, as people united to provide for the baby and turned Bell’s living room into a hub of generosity.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

Bell’s journey, however, extended beyond caring for KAS.

It was a stepping stone to her larger vision—the Serenity House.

This transitional home for women leaving prison embodies Bell’s belief in second chances and support for those often sidelined by society.

Her plan to house and support six women in this endeavor mirrors her belief in redemption and the power of support.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

Bell’s affection for her job at the prison stemmed from her ability to positively influence the inmates’ lives.

Her approach is about guiding these women towards better futures.

This philosophy of care and encouragement didn’t end with her job.

It extended into her everyday life, as seen in her actions with KAS and her broader community efforts.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

After losing her job, Bell’s resilience was evident.

She took up a role sorting cans at a food distributor, a humble position she embraced with dedication.

This period also included the two months she devoted to caring for KAS, a time she holds dear.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

The reunion of Boua and her son is a moving moment in this story.

The initial unfamiliarity and subsequent bonding between mother and child highlight the complex emotions of such situations.

Bell’s role in this reunion and her continued affection for KAS underscore her extraordinary character.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

Bell’s story is a powerful illustration of the impact one person can have.

Her actions, driven by a profound sense of righteousness, have changed lives and inspired a community.

The public’s response, including a significant donation, shows the collective admiration and support for her selfless acts.

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YouTube - CBS Mornings

Roberta Bell’s story is an extraordinary example of how kindness, bravery, and a commitment to what is right can create waves of positive change.

Her journey from a correctional officer to a guardian for a child and a visionary for the Serenity House uplifts and inspires.

Learn more about this beautiful story in Bell’s own words in the interview below!

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