Officer pulls over speeding mom noticing immediately son inside vehicle is in trouble
He knew he would need backup.
Cherie Gozon

Traffic stops are often bad news to most drivers.

Unsplash - Mathias Reding
Unsplash - Mathias Reding

Seeing a police car nearby would often mean they are there to catch a violator; all you could hope for is they won’t stop you.

You wouldn’t want to get a citation or ticket and have to settle with it, right?

But this mother from Detroit, Michigan, never thought a traffic stop was a blessing in disguise.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Rhonda McArthur was driving fast and ran a red light at the intersection of Huron River Drive and Fort Drive.

A cop flashed his lights and pulled her over for the violation.

Her heart sank knowing that this would cost her not only a few dollars but maybe even her son’s life.

Officer Nicholas Mitchell talked to Rhonda but soon realized why she had to beat the red light.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Surprisingly, the police officer didn’t ask for Rhonda’s license and registration because he heard someone in the car with labored breathing like they couldn’t breathe at all.

The first question he asked was, “Is he okay?” as he looked at the passenger’s seat and saw Rhonda’s 10-year-old son, Nick.

Rhonda said that her son had a deadly asthma attack as he was preparing for school.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Nick described it like someone was holding his throat and choking him.

His mom started to panic, brought him in the car, and drove as fast as she could to the nearest hospital.

Thus, beating the red light.

Just when Rhonda thought that the police stop would make matters worse, it turned out to be a blessing.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Not only was she rushing to save her son’s life, but she was also running out of gas which was only enough to run for 10 miles or less.

Officer Mitchell knew that even if he would let her go, she might not make it with an almost empty tank.

He called for an ambulance to help transport Nick to the hospital.

However, there was no ambulance available at that time. Officer Mitchell had to think fast.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

He started to get a little scared for Nick, so he had no choice but to ask for help from fellow officers.

He took Nick to the back seat of the police car with a fireman assisting him with some oxygen and drove to the hospital.

The doctor said they arrived just in time to save the young boy.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

They credited the police officer for his swift action because Nick would have been in the worst possible situation if they had come a minute later.

Rhonda was also thankful for Officer Mitchell’s empathy towards her during that moment instead of giving her a ticket for beating the red light.

Rhonda also said that Officer Mitchell did not only save her son’s life but her faith as well.

YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
YouTube - WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

Just as when she lost her faith in humanity, the kind officer showed her that there are still people full of compassion.

The experience had renewed her faith in God because something like that was nothing short of a miracle.

Watch this inspiring story in the video below.
