It was not even daybreak yet when Sasha Jackson, a mom from New Jersey, suddenly felt contractions. Nico, Sasha’s second son, was due to be born in two more days, but she knew that early morning that he was already on his way out to the world. She immediately alerted her husband, Michael, so they could get ready to go to the hospital.

The couple was set on going to the hospital for their second child’s delivery, but little Nico was not as patient as they expected.
Michael was quick in grabbing their bag and other stuff but after a couple of pushes, the baby was already born in their home’s bathroom. It was a surreal moment that the couple never could have imagined for their second son’s birth story.
Before 3 am that day, Nico Jackson was born.

Sasha shared the one-of-a-kind story in an interview with ABC7:
“The head I delivered myself. The rest of the body, thankfully my husband was there for that.”
A few moments after Nico’s birth, two police officers from the Wood-ridge Police Department visited the home to assist the couple and attend to Sasha’s and her newborn’s medical needs.

Officers Mike Mueller and Rob Cangialosi responded to the call and made sure that the mother and son were in good hands. The moment they came, the two officers saw that Nico was still blue.
Officer Mueller quickly wrapped him up in a blanket, got a bulb syringe, and worked to get Nico to breathe. A few seconds later, the baby’s color came back and little Nico was safely breathing.
“The baby was actually still blue at the time,” Officer Mueller shared with ABC7. “[I] wrapped him up in a blanket, [was] checking for a pulse… I asked my partner for a bulb syringe. A short time later, he gave us a little squeak,” he continued. “His color started coming through his body.”
They tied the baby’s umbilical cord with his father’s shoelace and helped the couple go to the hospital so Sasha and Nico could receive better care. Sasha and Michael were very thankful for the officer’s response.
“They knew exactly what to do,” Sasha said.
The police officers visited Nico’s home a few days later.

Days passed and the couple was back in their New Jersey home. Police officers Mueller and Cangialosi went to see Nico once more and this time, they were bringing gifts not only for the baby but also for his older brother, Luca.
They gifted Nico with a policeman outfit while Luca received a toy police car. The toddler could not stop playing with the toy and even had the opportunity to go in the actual car.

As fathers themselves, Officers Mueller and Cangialosi know how precious it is to have a baby and a happy family. It was natural for them to respond and help everyone, but being dads made helping Nico even more special.
“As long as the family is healthy, baby is healthy, it’s a good day for us,” Cangialosi shared.

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Source: Eyewitness News ABC7NY, Eyewitness News ABC7NY, People, iHeart Country