Growing up with siblings has its positives and negatives. As an adult, you can choose how much space you need from your siblings. You can still see them every day if you want or you can keep contact mainly through technology. When you are growing up, that is not the case. You were stuck with your siblings almost 24/7! Being so close together can drive some siblings insane. Looking back all siblings will just laugh it off as childhood memories, but when it was happening it was World War III! Here are 35 pictures that will bring your childhood memories rushing back.
1. Shotgun
Fighting over the front seat of the car happened every car ride! If a sibling broke the rules of shotgun, a fight was bound to follow. It all had to end by the time the parent got in the driver seat though.
2. Parents vs. Names
The more siblings you had, the more common it was for your parents to call you by a siblings name! Some times they have to go through the whole list of siblings before finally getting to your name. As a child you would just stare at them while it was happening too!
3. Special Treatment
One of the best times as a sibling is when you were alone with a parent and they would buy you something, but only if you don’t tell any of your siblings. It was like a secret gift and, let’s be honest, you knew you were going to tell your siblings later that night!
4. Snitched On
When a sibling would yell that they were going to tell on you, cue the panic! You knew you had nowhere to hide and you had to think of a good reason or comeback as soon as possible. The stress levels were through the roof.
5. The Real Hero
One of the best parts of having siblings is when they help you out in desperate times. When one sibling realized there was no toilet paper, it was like an unwritten rule to help out your sibling because one day it could be you!
6. Vacation
It was always a small disappointment when you were originally excited for a family vacation, but realized you had to share the bed with your sibling. Sleeping in the same bed with your siblings as a child was horrible! The kicking, tossing, and turning was inevitable.
7. Waiting for the Bathroom
Waiting for your sibling to get out of the bathroom was the worst! If they were showering you knew all the hot water was going to be gone. If they were using the bathroom you knew it was going to smell, there was no winning!
8. Hug it Out
One of the worst things a parent can tell two siblings after a fight is to “hug it out.” The bitterness is still too soon and neither of the kids actually are ready to hug it out. Too soon, too soon.
9. Hiding Food
Siblings are known to be food thieves! No matter how well you thought you hide your food in the fridge, your sibling will still find it and eat it. It was always the worst thinking you were about to eat your food and realize it’s gone!
10. Oldest Siblings
The oldest siblings always complain that they had it more strict than the baby sibling. That by the time the baby was a teenage the rules of the house had gotten more laid back. This will be said by the oldest siblings every chance they get too!
11. Matching Outfits
Mothers love to put their children in matching outfits! All siblings have at least one embarrassing childhood photo were they all had to match. It was usually a holiday that your mother would dress you all up for.
12. Teasing
The teasing between siblings can be brutal, especially if two or more start to team up against one. The problem with sibling teasing, is that it will not end until a parent gets involved. Yet, once the parent leaves it can be even worse since you snitched.
13. Barely Touched You
When you start to cry from your sibling hitting you and all you hear is “I didn’t even hit you that hard,” is one of the biggest downfalls of growing up with siblings! It will not be until way later, or maybe even never, that they will admit fault and by way later, I mean months or years. The evidence of how hard the hit was will not matter.
14. Shocked
It was always hard to act surprised when your sibling was getting in trouble for something you did. There was no way you were going to admit it was you, so you just have to act completely shocked by their actions, better them than you!
15. No Comeback
It was the worst when you realized you had no good comeback to yell back at your siblings. When all else failed, you would make fun of their voice. The sibling with no reply would mock the other sibling with the annoying “so” over and over until the fight would end.
16. Younger Siblings
The issue with being a younger sibling was all the older siblings believing they were better than you, in almost every way! The older siblings are not afraid to let the younger siblings know either. They will tell you every chance you get, even when giving you a gift.
17. Sharing
Sharing with siblings is never an easy thing to do and there is never an opportunity for an equal sharing opportunity. Siblings will fight tooth and nail to be able to get more of whatever it is being shared. It could be food, computer time, t.v. shows, or toys, one sibling will try to have more of it than the other!
18. T.V. Wars Part One
Back in the day, siblings would fight about which television channel would stay on. To keep a channel on a sibling would cover the front of the receiver and block other sibling from using the remote. Ah, the simpler times of T.V. sibling fights!
19. T.V. Wars Part Two
The newer way that siblings fight over the T.V. is by getting on to the streaming service first! Once you see the unavailable screen, a fight will ensue between siblings. How siblings fight over T.V. might have changed, but not the fight itself.
20. T.V. Wars Part Three
Another way to start a sibling war over the T.V. is by stealing the remote and not letting any other sibling know where it is at. As you can see from this photo, siblings never get too old to fight over the television. Holiday trips back to your parents house, it is fair game for the television!
21. I Win
It was always the best feeling for a sibling when your parent chose your side in an argument. It felt like a complete victory over the other sibling, you even won with the parents! It was a great day when it happened to you.
22. Babysitting
Younger siblings never listen when the oldest sibling is the babysitter. For the younger siblings it is like a free night! It is the worst night for the oldest sibling though because they know if anything happens it is your fault, no matter what. Therefore, the call to the parents will always happen to let the parents know that the others are just not listening.
23. Cereal
Siblings have a way to get under each others skin in only the way siblings can, it is all the small things. For many, it is that siblings will eat something and put the empty container back in the fridge or pantry. So, when you thought you were going to eat something and realized you can’t, a yelling match at a sibling was not far behind!
24. Too Far
There are some occasions where a sibling knows they took it too far and start to panic in fear of their parent finding out. The at fault sibling will do whatever they can to help their sibling out, but it is always up to the hurt sibling how to play it out. Will you get them in trouble for revenge or let them baby you in forgiveness?
25. All The Time
At times it can feel like your sibling annoys you 24/7 and that you just cannot get rid of that sibling! Sometimes it is because that sibling does want to annoy you, usually younger siblings. You better get used to it, they are with you for life!
26. Pets
Family pets are loved by all siblings in the house, but each sibling wants the family pet to love them the most! So, when the family pet goes to a sibling instead of you it is heartbreaking. The betrayal of a pet can hurt worse than a betrayal by a sibling.
27. Plan Busted
Siblings always think they are smart by getting another sibling to do their dirty work, especially when it comes to their parents. Many ask their siblings to ask their parents for stuff instead of them, which can go bad if not executed correctly. If the sibling mentions your name, it is game over and your parents will realize it was you all along!
28. Run Time
Sneakily going through your siblings room and closet can make a sibling feel like super spy. The time frame is usually small to get in and out and once you hear them coming, it is time to get out of there as soon as possible! More importantly, to get out with the items you are “borrowing” without getting caught.
29. Lights and Doors
Siblings will invade your space with no sense of privacy. It is always the worst when they do it and you are already comfy in bed. This is because you will ask them to turn off the light or shut the door before they leave and they won’t do it. They came into your room and now you have to get up!
30. Younger Sibling Problems
Being the younger sibling has an issue the oldest sibling never has to deal with, walking in their shadow. The oldest sibling sets the tone, especially at schools, on how the teachers are going to initially see the younger siblings. The dreaded question, “are you related to [insert older sibling here]?”
31. Showers
A race to the shower can be one of the times you witness how fast your sibling actually is. When one sibling says they are going to go shower but another wanted to shower as well, the race is on! Whoever reaches the bathroom first wins and it is a fight to the finish line.
32. Phone Chargers
The swapping of phone chargers can get outrageous between siblings! Instead of buying a new one, siblings will steal one of their siblings chargers instead. The hard part is that there is usually no proof that a sibling stole yours, since they all look the same. So, you just have to steal it back and the war begins.
33. In The Wrong
It is always hard when you are fighting with a sibling and halfway through realize they are actually right. The back tracking is hard because you do not want to admit they are right or apologize, especially when you started the fight!
34. Back Talk
Sometimes a sibling will be minding their own business but start to hear the rumbling of an argument between their parents and another sibling. This is the time to slowly eavesdrop without getting caught because you want to hear your sibling get in trouble but not get involved in any way!
35. No In Between
When it comes to growing up with siblings there is always going to be massive fights over silly things. Yet, you also will have a person that will have your back for your entire life. There are many great memories from a childhood with siblings that will outweigh the bad!

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