Chris Muller already had two children of his own, but he and his wife desperately wanted another. The family had their heart set on adopting an orphan from China and had been waiting for the day they would finally get the call.

On July 18, 2014, that day finally came. The woman from the adoption agency told them there was a disabled, 2-year-old boy in the CWI Orphanage in Zhengzhou who desperately needed a home. In this video, Chris chronicles the family’s adoption journey leading up to the moment when they finally meet Joshua, their new son:
After the family adopted Joshua, Chris posted a photo of the event in a Facebook group.

The following day, he came across an unexpected post on the very same page.
A woman had shared a photo of two orphans, writing:
“Does anyone recognize the cutie on the right?”
“He is my little guy’s foster brother and is apparently about to be adopted.”
“I would love to connect with his family, so our boys can keep in touch.”

When Chris examined the boy on the right, he realized he was staring at a photo of his son.
By some form of sheer coincidence, Joshua and the woman’s son, Maverick, had been foster brothers during their time in care. “He’s my friend and he’s my brother,” Maverick told his mother.

Although the two friends had been reunited, they still lived 1300 miles apart.
Their parents made sure they kept in touch, but they still wished they lived closer to each other. That’s when God answered their prayers. By some stroke of good luck, Chris’s company asked him to relocate to Louisiana— exactly where Maverick and his family live.
In a video created by Chris to chronicle the boys’ story, you see Maverick’s reaction when he learns Joshua will be moving to Louisiana.

Two months later, the boys were finally reunited.
In a heartwarming montage compiled by Chris, you see footage of the two youngsters interspersed with their recent adventures. They play, help each other, and race through the grass. It’s clear their time apart hasn’t affected their relationship. In fact, as they say, it may have made their hearts grow fonder.

Since being uploaded to YouTube, the boys’ heartwarming story has been viewed over 80,000 times.
Comments on the video read:
“Oh my gosh, this is way too stinkin cute!! …. How amazing that these two will get to hopefully grow up in each other’s lives. I hope both parents learn to love each other as well!”
“Oh my gosh, the reunion is so sweet and brought tears to my eyes! God’s hand is in this…it’s more than mere coincidences.”
“very sweet reunion for the boys…….soooo happy….love it….tissues…….”
“What a beautiful, happy story!!! God’s hand is all over this….this is not coincidence. You cannot deny His existence when you see this story.”
Watch the full story below!
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