When children are young, they want nothing more than to spend every waking moment with their parents. They will even cry, kick, and scream the minute their parents step out of the room.
That’s why a children’s first day of school is such a big milestone since it usually marks the first day they will spend away from their loving parents.
But when kids get older that all changes. Suddenly, preteens become too cool for school and don’t want to be seen anywhere near their parents.
To them, their parents are just a HUGE embarrassment. And parents are lucky to get their kids to look up from their cell phones or to stop paying attention to their friends by the time a child becomes a teenager.

By the time their children are teenagers, parents are well versed in the art of embarrassing their children. Parents have gotten even better at this in the age of social media. We’ve all seen those stories about parents hilariously recreating their child’s ridiculous social media selfies.
Brooklyn Hitchcock’s parents, however, have a different method for embarrassing her.
They embarrass with the art of dance. Poor Brooklyn was standing outside of her home when her mother started writhing around at the end of their driveway to Bruno Mars’ hit “Uptown Funk.” She starts swinging her hips and getting down and funky to her daughter’s dismay.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, Brooklyn’s dad comes running down the driveway to join his wife.
He stands behind her as they swing side to side in unison.
“You’re gonna break her hip,” Brooklyn screams out from behind the camera she’s filming this on.
Her dad busts out some cheesy high kicks and her mom follows suit. Her dad soon retreats back to the house but her mom just keeps on busting those terribly embarrassing moves.

“These are my parents dancing in their driveway for all the neighbors to see,” Brooklyn wrote in the caption of her video. “This is what I deal with.”
Honestly, Brooklyn, you should consider yourself lucky!
We’ve seen parents do way worse than this on the internet. It’s nice that your parents are silly and have a sense of humor. Some parents are super strict and no sense of fun or frivolity at all.
But for a teenager, this would be pretty embarrassing! Watch Brooklyn’s parents bust a move in the video below.
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Source: Rumble