Every generation believes they have the best fashion, the best music, the best dance moves. Well, except for the 90s. Those were undeniably dark times for style and culture.
Remember JNCO jeans? I shudder.

Sometimes it’s hard to understand the youths of today with their Tik Tok dance moves and viral dance challenges. But I also don’t think dance aerobics in the 80s were particularly “cool” either.
But surely one generation is correct – one of us has to earn the title of the best of the best.
Well, this family had a dance battle to settle the score.

The battle took place on a not-so-lazy Sunday, with everyone in their comfiest pajamas.
The kids started practicing for the duel by getting their moves in sync.
But the parents? Nah, they don’t think they need any practice. Mom keeps saying that dancing is “in the sangre“, (which is Spanish for blood). She’s confident her Latina roots will help her blow the kid’s routine out of the water. And Dad… well he’s just ready with the smack talk.
They’re not intimidated at all.

The kids take to the “stage” (living room floor) first. Looking very ready for a dance-off.
The brother’s shirt literally reads “in it to win it”, so I hope he’s right!

DJ Mandriv’s EDM hit song Volcano starts playing, and the kids show off their moves.

When the little girl got down on the ground to do some break dancing, I died. This move is called floor rockin’, and she is in fact rockin’ it.
This move actually originated in the early 70s and hit a big high in the 80s when breakdancing was in vogue. But it has stayed cool for almost 50 years.
It looks like it takes some serious skill! I don’t know if we’ll see Mom or Dad doing any breakdancing, but hey, never say never.

The kids finish their set with a cool pose, and it’s time for Mom and Dad to step up to the plate.
They look very ready to kick some dancing butt…
But haven’t actually decided what moves they’re going to show off yet.

They start with ol’ fauthful: the Running Man. But the kids don’t look so impressed.
They actually think their parents are doing it wrong, and try to show them the “real” way to do it. I think it’s a little like MJ’s iconic Moonwalk… because everyone thinks their way is the only way!

The kids stare blankly at the camera, looking very displeased, while their parents go crazy in the background. they’re just doing as many cool moves as they can think of!
I personally think the parents look great… but the kid’s hilarious expressions say otherwise.

Dad even tries some breakdancing – I didn’t think it would be done!
But I don’t think his attempt at fancy footwork compares to his daughter’s floor rockin’. The rest of the family gets on the floor to freestyle some other breakdance moves.

They all take turns sliding across the hardwood floors in their cozy socks, and then turn to the camera to let the audience decide on a winner.
More than 30k viewers weighed in with their opinions in the comment section on which team pulled off the most epic dance battle.

Who do you think won the face off? Watch the video below to see all their moves!
I think we can definitely agree on one thing, and that’s who uploaded the video. Just based on the title of: Parents roast kids in dance battle.
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