Parents caution to be mindful of red marks as a warning sign of strep throat affecting the sinuses
If you notice these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately!
Ashley Willis

In the winter months, parents take extra precautions to make sure their children are healthy. Now that we’re in “flu season,” it isn’t uncommon to see more articles and news stories on ways to decrease one’s chances of getting infected.

While there are many things one can do to keep themselves at a lower risk, such as washing your hands, there is no full-proof way of preventing an infection.
Flickr/Arlington County
Flickr/Arlington County

As recent as last year, more people have become aware that strep throat can affect more than just your throat. In fact, it can affect your sinuses.

Not only can strep throat affect your sinuses, but it can infect your face, nasal passages, and other organs. According to Middlesex-London Health Unit, this is clinically known as invasive Group A Streptococcal Disease (iGAS). It occurs when the bacteria responsible for strep throat affects the bloodstream and other organs.

Parents with children who have suffered from strep throat shared their stories on social media. They were in disbelief when they were told that what began as strep quickly developed into a much more serious condition.

One of the major signs that have been reported is red marks and rashes that occur on the face as well as high body temperature.

It started when Arden and Ashley Hawley’s son, Coop, from Idaho, began showing signs of red swelling on his face. In a since-deleted Facebook post, Arden stated they thought the marks were “compliments of his little brother.”
Facebook/Arden Hawley
Facebook/Arden Hawley

But when it didn’t go away, they brought him into the doctor who prescribed a steroid. The steroid only made things worse.

It wasn’t until they took him to the emergency room did they find out that he had a strep infection in his sinuses.

“It could have been really bad had we not come in. They told us it will continue to migrate through there eyes and into their brain if not treated.”

One mother saw the Hawley’s post and shared her own experience in the Facebook group, Simply Real Moms. She also shared photos of her sick son. At the beginning of her post, she wrote in all caps that although the post was long, it was important to read.

Her son woke up with a fever and he too began to develop red marks on his face. His fever even peaked at 102 degrees. She stated, “his fever was so hot it was hard to hold him.”

When they took him to the doctor, he tested positive for strep throat and influenza. Fortunately, antibiotics were all that was needed for him to recover.

But perhaps one of the scarier cases was for a boy named Luke from Oaklahoma. He developed the red rash over his eyelids. Initially, his doctor too brushed it off as normal symptoms of the flu and strep. But when his symptoms worsened, his parents took him to the OU Medical Center.

After a CT scan, they found that he had strep of the sinuses and behind his eyes. He had to have surgery the next day.

Luke’s mom, Candace McMahan, shared photos of Luke’s progression. She warned parents to take the signs seriously.
Facebook/Candace McMahan
Facebook/Candace McMahan

“If you have any redness or swelling in your eyes take it very serious….your eyes are close to your brain. I am so grateful the infection didn’t get in his brain.”
Facebook/Candace McMahan
Facebook/Candace McMahan

If you or anybody you know are showing any of these symptoms or are having complications with the flu and/or strep, see a medical professional immediately!

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