Police Officer Breastfeeds A Newborn Baby To Save Her Life
This woman encountered a starving baby, and knew just what to do to save her.
Patricia Lynn

Officer Luisa Fernanda Urrea is making headlines around the world with her recent act of kindness.


A woman named Edinora was collecting oranges in a Colombian forest when she suddenly heard a scream that sounded like a cry of a baby. Shocked by what she heard, Edinora went towards the sound. That’s when she discovered the unthinkable – a newborn baby had been abandoned.

Officer Urrea was immediately alerted of the situation, and she arrived on the scene eager to help the newborn. The infant girl had been left to die by her mother. Not only was her umbilical cord still attached, the baby was starving from hunger.

Immediately, her maternal instincts took over, and Officer Urrea took action.


Having just become a mother herself, Officer Urrea breastfed the newborn. This ended up saving her life.


A video of Officer Urrea breastfeeding the little girl has been posted on Facebook, and it has since gone viral with thousands chiming in. Many people are hailing the officer for her heroic efforts.

Please SHARE this officer’s touching actions with your friends and family.

Después que encontraron la bebe abandonada en zona rural de tulua una integrante de la policia le da leche materna .

Posted by Radio Robledo on Monday, January 11, 2016

[Source: Yahoo]
