It seems that everyone these days has professional photo shoots for every single event in their lives. Engagement photo shoots, baby announcement photo shoots, pregnancy photo shoots, birthing photo shoots… honestly it can be overkill.
But what’s worse than overkill is the horrendous themes and poses some of these people use.
This can be the most disastrous during pregnancy photo shoots. You take one look at these photos and get embarrassed for the people in the photos. I mean, what THE HELL were these people thinking?
You’ll be asking yourself this with every single pregnancy photo fail you see below.
You Know It’s Snowing Right?
So, why the hell are you naked?

Partially Clothed in Winter Wear
So you’re cold, but not that cold?

Great Example of Conflict Resolution Mom
Hope your kid doesn’t grow up to be a murderer. Good luck with that!

Man Poking His Baby
Dude, you could be poking your baby in the eye for the sake of a weird photo.

When the Man is Visibly Pregnant
But why are you sitting on a belly-sized ball too?

Clowns are Creepy
But not as creepy as this weird couple.

All Up In There
First, everyone is in primary colors… OK. But why is dad and sister all up in mom’s businesses. Can they see the baby from there? Totally bizarre.

The Pregnancy No-No Photo
Moms, please please please do not drink alcohol while you’re pregnant. Dads, the bottles are for your babies.

I’ll Shoot You If You Look at My Family
You know this is a picture right? And that’s how pictures work? Take it easy fella.

Tis the Season to Send Nude Pics
Dear Grandma,
Here’s is a picture of my husband grabbing my boobs.
Merry Christmas

Yes, Yes, This is All Going According to My Plan
Why is this man plotting on his nude wife and unborn child? What nefarious plan is he conjuring?

The Hockey Mom
Mom… put your damn shirt on. This photo will be engrained in these poor kids’ minds forever. Look at those socks!

When Dad Goes Topless
This guy insisted on being topless in the photo though it was not required of him.

When You Invite Your Stripper to Be in Your Pregnancy Photos
And also decide that smoking cigars is a good idea.

The S&M Pregnancy Shoot
Everyone in the family must have just loved these photos.

Just When You Thought Clowns Were Creepy Enough
Behold… the topless clown.

Unzip Your Baby
But first, place your crotch on your husband’s head.

Curtain Cover Up
All I can think about is how dirty and dusty those curtains might be.

No One Needs to Know How This Baby Was Conceived
If wearing kinky outfits is your thing, that’s your business. I don’t need to know about it.

Is it a Boy? Is it a Girl?
Congratulations… you’re having a juggalo.

P-P-P-Pump It Up
Or not because you can inflate a baby into existence, so you just look stupid.

Another Nightmare Inducing Pregnancy Photo
They must be Lion King fans. Too far fans… too far.

Dads… Stop Trying to Steal the Glory in the Pregnancy Photos
YOU DO NOT need to be topless. I repeat you do not need to be topless.

Dad, This Isn’t About Your Muscles
It’s about the baby. And we obviously know that’s Photoshop.

We Know There’s a Baby in There
We don’t need a drawing to clue us in.

Clever… But Not Cute
Poor mom is covered in dirt because of a stupid photographer.

Frosty the Belly Man
How did she get the nose to stick?

Aren’t You Supposed to Be Happy About Having a Baby
Maybe smile dad?

Not Cute or Festive
You look like a monster. The background makes NO sense.

That’s Not a Thing

We know how science works.
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