When most of us think of all the things we need to know about being pregnant and the responsibilities that go along with having children, we don’t find anything to laugh about.
In fact, it’s downright nerve-wracking.
But one OB-GYN figured out a way to make us have a good sense of humor about it and help to dispel any stress or fear. A Redditor that goes by the name YellowWoodenTable said she found a copy of the humorous Q&A while she was at her OB appointment.

The hilarious list gives advice on the best age for childbearing, baby’s first movements, emotions you could expect to have, information on epidurals, and more.
Here’s what it said:
Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.
Q: I’m two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.
Q: What is the most reliable method to determine baby’s sex?
A: Childbirth
Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she’s borderline irrational.
A: So what’s your question?
Q: My childbirth instructor says it’s not pain I’ll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out that you’re pregnant.
Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word “alimony” means anything to you.
Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.
Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby’s diaper very quickly.
Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.

The post ended up going viral and people on Reddit thought it was absolutely hysterical.
“I’m pregnant with my second, and I just read this aloud to my husband. After reading I started laughing and he said, ‘you find that funny? Which of those did you think was a joke?'” said one Reddit commenter.
“This is incredible!! It made my day!! I wish my OB has this sense of humor,” said another.
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