Imagine being a high schooler and finding out you’re pregnant.
That’s exactly what happened to Kaleena during a routine check-up with her family doctor.
Stunned by the news, she took two more pregnancy tests at home, only to confirm the doctor’s diagnosis.
“She had to make some very adult decisions,” said her stepmother, Kirsten Ballard.
Realizing she wasn’t equipped to be a mom just yet, Kaleena chose adoption for her unborn child.

“When I first found out that I was pregnant, I knew I didn’t have the life experience to raise a baby, and I wasn’t going to be selfish.
So, I decided for adoption,” Kaleena shared.
Fate seemed to agree with her decision.
She discovered that a family friend was looking to adopt.
Already four months into her pregnancy, she reached out to them, and they sealed the deal.
Throughout her pregnancy, she kept the adoptive family in the loop, sharing ultrasound images and updates.

But Kaleena didn’t stop at just choosing a family for her baby; she went the extra mile to ensure her child would have the best start in life.
She delved into prenatal research and learned about the advantages of breastfeeding over formula feeding.
A home health nurse educated her on the subject, and she was convinced that this was the best path for her baby, whom she named Raylie.

“When a baby is fed breast milk, they are just way ahead of the game. I decided that I wanted my baby to have the best options and to be able to grow — and so, I knew I was going to pump and give her that benefit,” Kaleena told Montgomery Adviser.
She informed the adoptive family that she planned to breastfeed Raylie while they were both in the hospital.

Initially, Kaleena faced challenges in producing enough milk to meet Raylie’s needs.
Yet, she persevered through the physical and emotional toll.
Committed to providing her daughter with the best nutrition possible.

Her dedication bore fruit, quite literally filling the adoptive family’s freezer to the brim with breast milk.
Unsure of what to do with the surplus, she stored the extra milk in her parents’ freezer.
Eventually, she discovered that she could donate it to babies in the NICU.

Kaleena contacted a breast milk bank in Colorado and arranged for her excess milk to be donated.
Meanwhile, the adoptive family continued to keep her updated about Raylie’s life, expressing their desire for her to remain a part of it.

After giving birth, Kaleena enrolled in a dental assistant training program but still finds time to connect with Raylie and her adoptive family.
They exchange photos, videos, and even have Facetime calls.
“They have told me that we are a family now.”
“They say that I will always be her mother, and that they are appreciative of the gift of life I have given them,” said Kaleena.
She even visited them to celebrate Raylie’s first birthday.

“Placing Raylie with this family was the best decision I ever made — there is never a moment that I regret my choice,” Kaleena told Today.
Her story is proof to the lengths a mother will go to ensure her child’s well-being, even when faced with life-altering decisions at a young age.
Learn more about this young lady’s decision in the video below!
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