When women are near the end of their pregnancy, they sometimes get a little impatient and look for ways to induce their labor. There are all kinds of old wives’ tales about what can make a woman go into labor.

One woman recently found out that dancing can help.
The pregnant mom looks like she is about to pop. Still, she is working on cleaning her kitchen floor, and while she is mopping, she is going to have a little fun with it.
She starts playing some music, and before you know it, she is dancing like she is on stage. While she may feel like she is putting on a show, she definitely didn’t plan any special effects.

Still, she gets a big surprise when her water breaks.
Her husband is recording the entire thing and neither of them can believe their eyes. They start cursing and screaming and, finally, the camera goes off. They were hopefully packing so they can head off to the hospital.
Dancing isn’t the only thing that woman try to get that baby here sooner. Over the years, there have been some women have gone to great lengths to go into labor. Some people say that swallowing a spoonful of castor oil can help make labor happen faster. Of course, that can get a little messy, and there is no scientific proof that it works.

Spicy food is also thought to help induce labor.
It can also lead to heartburn, gas, and bad dreams. It’s also not a good idea to eat a lot of spicy food or heavy food during labor. If your stomach is too full, you are much more likely to be sick and could experience other complications.
Some people also say that eating pineapple can make a woman go into labor faster. Pineapple contains something called bromelain, which is believed to help soften the tissue in and around the cervix. Once the cervix dilates, labor is in motion.

Walking and exercise will induce labor, according to some women.
In fact, some doctors will even encourage a pregnant woman to walk to help speed up labor and deal with the pain of labor. If you have ever been in a hospital, you may have seen a pregnant woman walking up and down the hallway trying to get that baby out.
If you are interested in alternative options, acupressure has helped a lot of women go into labor. There are specific acupressure points that can actually stimulate contractions. Most doctors recommend that pregnant women not undergo acupuncture early in the pregnancy for this reason.

If you try all of these and nothing seems to work, you can always just dance that baby out like the woman in the video.
In the end, that baby will come when ready. Although some of these methods may have some science behind them that suggests they could help induce labor, most of them probably don’t have anything to do with it.

It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about anything you plan on trying to induce your labor.
Some things may not be safe, or your doctor may feel like you shouldn’t induce at all. If the doctor decides you need to get that baby out, he or she can always give you medicine that can induce you properly.
Most women are excited to see their little bundles of joy as soon as possible, but they also want to make sure they are ready to be born and are healthy. The best way to do that is to let nature take its course.
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