There is something special about little kids greeting their dads after a long day of work. Their little innocent smiles and chub legs waddling around the home looking for their gigantic playmate always brings a smile to anyone’s face. For a dad coming in the door, it must be one of the best times of day. Seeing his little ones excited to see him is a joy that a teenager won’t often give you. What happens when that joy is multiplied by four?

This family has more than one excited kid – they have four!

Quadruplets are something that we really never see, only hear about. In reality, only 1 in 15,625,000 pregnancies is quadruplets. For the couples that do have them, it sure is a wild ride! Imagine planning (or not planning) to have a baby, and suddenly, you have four.
For this dad, he gets a quadruple greeting every time he walks through the door.

Caught on video by the mother, these 11-month-old quadruplets love when their dad comes home (like and kid). In the video, we hear a door open somewhere in the house and suddenly, squeals from all the kids playing on the floor.
Each kid in their own cute attire starts crawling towards the door.

In a miniature version of “The Running of the Bulls” but with onesies, the little ones crawl at a rapid pace towards dad. Pulling to a screeching halt at the impassable wall (the baby gate), they hop up on their little ham legs and start to bounce with excitement at seeing their dad.
They all know their dads voice and are so excited to see him.

With a “behold, they stand at the gates”, their dad makes a classic dad joke. They hold onto the bars and bounce in unison. With all the craziness in the world, it is a wonderful thing to be able to witness quite literally, what can be defined as “pure innocence”.
The little ones start to gurgle and mewl when they finally get up to the gate

After their bouncing, they all start to do their best to talk. It is really cute to see them trying to respond to their dad! After a long day at work, you can tell that he is happy to see his family.

People love watching babies react to their dads coming home.

If you have ever seen it, you can completely understand why people love seeing it. It has become popular enough to warrant some compilation videos on YouTube of other babies around the world reacting to their dad coming home.
BabiezTV made a compilation that has over 9 million views!

You can sit for hours watching the happy and squirmy little humans hearing their dad’s voices. There are single babies, twins, and a plethora of other scenarios. It is worth the watch for sure!
In a time of turmoil, enjoy the innocence of babies who are happy to see their dad.

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