When a woman finds out she’s pregnant, the first thing she does is start envisioning her life with the new baby.
Although every parent’s priority is for their future child to be healthy, whatever their gender, some people may feel that they’d prefer to have a girl or a boy respectively.

For women, having a girl translates to buying for her cute outfits and headpieces, going shopping with her when she grows up, and sharing secrets that can only be shared among women.
Future dads, on the other hand, have something else in mind when they hear they are having a baby girl. Something that haunts them and scares the life out of them: boyfriends!
Indeed, dads are terrified at the thought of their little princess having a boyfriend in the future.

Given that today girls start dating much earlier than they once used to, dads need to be prepared for that day because it is not as distant as they might think or hope.
But why do dads not approve of their daughters dating anyway?
Well, this question is not that difficult to answer. Every man was once a boy. Every man has dated at least a couple of girls before he fell in love with the woman who eventually carried their daughter. And dating does not always mean “decent and careful”.

Many men have dirty secrets from their teens that they would never dare share with their wives, they have most probably hurt some girl’s feelings at least once, they have often done careless things with their peers and whatnot.
The thing is, that when men have boys they tend to proudly narrate those stories to them, while when they have daughters they hide these secrets so well that even themselves tend to forget about them at times.
By now, it must be clear that men don’t want their daughters to date because they are afraid they might meet someone like them- and this may end up hurting their little princesses.

Just like the dad in the video below, who can’t accept his tiny daughter already has a boyfriend.
The girl in the video must be around 2 years old, and she’s definitely a sassy toddler- good job, mom!
That day, at dinner time, the little girl decided to tell her dad that she has a boyfriend. It seems that it wasn’t such a great idea, after all.
So, the little girl tells her dad “I have a boyfriend” and his instant reaction os “No, you don’t!”

But the girl won’t take no for an answer and she insists she does have a boyfriend. This goes on for a while, and then her dad tries to explain to her that the boy needs to talk to him first before he becomes her boyfriend:
“That boyfriend better be talking to your daddy,” he says.
But the girl is not having any of it. She repeats: “No, he’s my boyfriend” and when she realizes her dad won’t back off either, she puts her head in her hands in frustration.

All the while, the other members of the family who are in the background can’t stop laughing at the funny exchange.
While we have no idea whether the dad eventually met his daughter’s boyfriend, we are sure this toddler will grow up to be a bold teenager who will fight for what she wants.
Poor dad, you’re gonna have your hands full soon!
Watch the dad-daughter hilarious conversation below!
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