Even in the most ideal situations and circumstances, raising children is a difficult job.
So for single parents, it makes sense that it would be (at least) twice as difficult. In both cases though, there’s no doubt that moms and dads usually try their best!

One single father decided to take his little girl out to dinner on Valentine’s Day to celebrate the holiday.
But what he didn’t know is that a couple of other diners were “spying” on them from another table.
Understandably, the dad was shocked when he was passed a note that addressed his parenting. It was from the couple at the other table, who left the restaurant before he could talk to them. The message even brought him to tears.

He wanted to do something nice for his six-year-old daughter on Valentine’s Day.
The situation happened to a man who goes by “takopoke” on Imgur. Being a single dad, he thought it would be special if the two of them ate dinner together at a restaurant. Surely getting to go out with her daddy on a fun holiday would have meant a lot to the girl!

As the father and daughter talked over their meals, two strangers were watching from nearby.
The dad was clueless that the couple was paying attention to them. He also didn’t see the woman write a note on the back of a receipt – which he later posted online.

It’s a message he’ll never forget.
When you go out in public with your children, the last thing you’d want is to have a stranger address your parenting. That is unless it’s for a positive reason, which is what happened in this story!
The couple couldn’t help but notice how wonderful of a dad the Imgur user was. In fact, they were “so impressed” that they decided to write him a kind note containing words of praise.
The message read:
“Hi there! Sorry to spy but my husband and I saw you out with your little date and were so impressed with what a great dad you are. From two adults who grew up without dads, it’s so important to have a male role model at a young age. Keep up the good work Dad!”

If the message wasn’t heartwarming enough, the strangers also decided to do something generous for the daddy and daughter. The note ended:
“Dinner is on us!:)”

The father was completely touched by the situation and got teary in the restaurant. He later wrote on Imgur:
“As a single dad, I took my six year old daughter out to valentines dinner tonight when this happened. I wont lie, I teared up at the table. So, thank you random strangers. Thank you.”
Internet users left comments on his feel-good post, which he titled “I wish I could thank them.”
One person said:
“Good on you, and the random people who bought your meal! That’s how you human!”
Another commented:
“What you are doing matters, please continue being an awesome dad to your little girl ;)”

In a world that can have a lot of negativity and judgment, it’s always nice to hear about an act of kindness! Those strangers didn’t have to do anything – but instead, they went out of their way to compliment an awesome dad.
It’s stories like this that make us have faith in humanity. Let’s all practice more kindness at any chance we get.
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