Ok ok, so most of us love our brothers and sisters even when they devote their lives to trolling us. In fact, we love them so much that we do it right back to them.
With siblings, the boundaries of what’s appropriate just seem a little bit different. They’d do stuff to you (and you to them) that they’d never do to anyone else, such as take a prank a step further.
Usually, things change with age. But even if you don’t see your siblings very often, you know they’re there…just waiting to get you back for something that happened decades ago.
Here are 75 people taking siblinghood to its pinnacle in, well, a less-than heartwarming way. But at least someone got a laugh.
1. Be more specific
In this case, directions were followed, but the spirit of the request was ignored.
And where’s dessert?!
2. Music to his ears
But the benefit of technology is that you can now make anyone a playlist AND insult them at the same time.
This is quite a line-up.
3. Oh, and by the way…
We doubt anyone would actually believe this, so it counts as a quality trolling episode.
But hopefully, he or she still took it to their mom and got her brother in trouble.
4. Sharing is caring
At least there’s an extra sibling here to share in the name-calling.
Strength in numbers.
5. Little brothers turn everything upside down
Then again, the best revenge would be to make sure he’s the one who gets to clean it up.
But you’d have to trust him to do a good job.
Okay, so my little brother did this whilst nobody else was home. I think it’s fair to say HE IS THE SPAWN OF SATAN. from r/funny
6. Sister snitch
Then again, if you’re going to brag about your epic party, you have to be prepared for the fallout.
So I send my sister a snapchat of a party I had when my parents where gone. She sent me this back. (It’s my dad) from r/funny
7. Second time’s a charm
THAT’S why you have a younger brother.
8. Oh, brother
Whatever kind of reptile that is, it better not have pooped on those.
9. A friendly reminder
See, now that’s the kind of funny prank that only causes some minor embarrassment.
Kudos to the sister for holding onto this – that’s really playing the long game!
My best friend got married yesterday, his sister held on to this for 20 years just for his wedding day. from r/funny
10. The artist and her subject
In this case, she not only used words but painted a portrait – which we hear is worth another 1000 words.
11. The cruelest, coolest trick
Clever though. Evil, but clever.
12. Punked by pie
But at least there’s enough left to eat.
That is, if you don’t feel like it has their prankster cooties all over it.
13. Buy your own darn toy
In any case, a better prank would have been a package of dead batteries – the disappointment that keeps on giving.
14. But why?
Sure, it still takes a certain kind of person to pull this off, but the payoff is totally worth it to make your brother dine with a giant panda.
Asked my brother to meet me at a popular restaurant for dinner, he showed up like this. from r/funny
15. I’m always with you
But in those cases, you can always give them a life-sized replica of yourself to keep them company.
You just don’t get to decide what they do with it.
16. Shared traumas
Add to that one more insistence that they weren’t the favorite child and you’ve got yourself a stellar sibling gift.
17. Raised by wolves
How about if your parents let you wear a werewolf mask every time you hold them?
See, much better!
18. Airport antics
And while there’s every reason to be proud of a sibling who completes rehab, it’s not the kind of thing you want to announce in the airport anyway.
19. Of suspicious height
But these bricks were just asking to be turned into a toddler prison, weren’t they?
20. In case you forgot
And we imagine this guy laughed too or else he wouldn’t have taken a photo of this prank.
It’s a good one too!
21. Constant comrades
Now we really want to know if we’d notice a random photo of Putin on our wall.
Do you think the sister looks like him or was it just a random switcheroo?
I replaced a picture of my sister with one of Vladimir Putin before my family came over for Christmas, they haven’t noticed yet. from r/funny
22. Raising the next generation
In fact, not only do you get to tell their kids funny stories about them, but you can still prank your siblings by doing stuff like this.
The kids actually look like they’re having a pretty good time.
23. The in-laws
Normally they’re allies.
But in this case, it looks like this person was on the side of their partner in carrying out this prank.
24. Oh poop
Remind us never to have our siblings stay at our house while we’re gone.
We had no idea of the potential for “redecorating” it held.
I changed my sister’s bathroom art while dog sitting. She still doesn’t realize that it doesn’t say “HOPE”. from r/funny
25. Techno-revenge
We love the idea of hiding the project (since it’s not deleted), but folder 16 seems a little harsh.
Then again, we say things to our siblings we wouldn’t dream of saying to anyone else.
26. Thinking of you
Sure, they’ll think you’re a jerk (or worse), but what do you care if you’re the one on vacation while they’re stuck in the office?
I’m swamped with work all winter but my brother gets to go to VAIL to ski. Just sent me this photo. Asshole. from r/funny
27. The more random the better
Normally, we wouldn’t let accusations like this bother us though.
My brother teases our little sister with chalkboard drawings every day. This was today’s. from r/funny
28. Sibling affirmations
And WOW is that a lot of effort to go to in order to make sure you sister has a daily reminder that you’re a jerk.
We applaud the effort.
29. Check it out
In fact, you might want to open a checking account just so you can do this to your brother (if you have one).
30. Foiled again
It’s a bit wasteful, but the actual price of the foil probably seemed small compared to the benefits of having to watch your sibling unwrap their entire room.
31. Living the dream
We don’t know the rest of this story, but we can only imagine how it would have gone down if we were behind those water balloons.
32. Surprise!
Now the only question is – what flavor do you think it is?
33. Ominous warnings
The handwriting would suggest that she’s old enough to get it.
Now just what secret is this elephant keeping?
34. When you know their every move
This girl wasn’t taking any chances with her birthday candle.
Nice preemptive strike!
Exactly 27 years ago, my mom took the perfect picture of me and my sister. Some things never change. from r/pics
35. YouRe THe besT
And what better way to snark without speaking than to use Comic Sans?
What a design masterpiece.
36. Above the law
And has anyone ever REALLY been mad after receiving this many donuts?
37. Laying in wait
We just want to know who the third party is taking the photo.
Did they get a reaction shot?!
38. Twinning
Kudos to this brother for keeping it real – he even got the facial expression right.
39. Digital footprint
Can you imagine having to proofread all of your emails when this stuff comes up?
While typing an email to my boss, I realised my brother made a few amendments to my shortcuts. from r/funny
40. A little something special
We just hope he didn’t see it in time to hide it before things got weird.
My little brother is finally bringing girls over for his first ever party. So I made him a present for the occasion (just in case). from r/funny
41. Beastly behavior
It’s just inevitable.
42. We wouldn’t be laughing
Either way, it’s gross. And anyone who leaves that much hair in the sink for others to find is gross too.
C’mon now.
43. Hollow promises
We have to admit that this is pretty impressive.
He wasted a lot of time and effort just to troll his sister.
44. I can do it better
But we like the style here – it’s just enough to say “see how weird it is to send someone a photo of a person on the toilet?”
My sister sent me a picture of my nephew on the toilet. I wanted to respond but we don’t have a kid. from r/funny
45. Practice makes perfect
Like when they learn calligraphy and leave little notes like this for you around the house.
Very classy.
My brother recently picked up calligraphy as a summer hobby. This is what I found on our fridge when I woke up. from r/funny
46. Beets by Dre
Still, we hope his brother wore them. Or at least tried.
47. So low
Brothers can be overprotective, but lots of people are also fiercely loyal to their friends.
How do you even process these photos?
I recently discovered that my friend is now dating my sister. This is what they sent for my birthday… from r/funny
48. I’ve always loved you
Still, there seem to be plenty of photos of sibling mishaps lying around.
Interesting to know that that’s when our parents decided to break out the camera.
Found this while going through old photos with my family. When I showed it to my older brother, his response was, “your big head was an irresistible target.” from r/funny
49. Taking the fun out of life
Frankly, we like the chocolate parts. But not when we know someone licked them all.
50. Live and learn
It’s rare to catch it at this exact moment.
He’s about to learn so much.
51. Show-offs
But we find this retort extra funny since everyone seems happy with the way things are, but the non-pregnant sister is still mananging a good troll.
Sister sends me a picture if pregnancy progress. My reply on the right. ..she was not amused. from r/funny
52. It’s the thought that counts
In fact, we’d trust this cake even more because we know where the joke is.
You don’t ever want it to be on the inside.
53. A little reminder
Can you imagine getting the order for this cake and wondering who was going to receive it?
We bet it was an awkward morning at the cake shop!
I’m single, and my birthday is on Valentines day. This is what my brother got me while I sat at home all day with my cat. from r/funny
54. Knocking you down a peg
And someone REALLY likes to show their brother they can still put him in his place after all this time.
My Marine brother sends me this every year on Administrative Assistants day. I’m an executive for a company, he thinks I’m a secretary. from r/funny
55. Festive fun
There’d better be something good in there – otherwise we might not even bother to take the time to open it.
Hope there are Band-Aids in that box..#flushcuts pic.twitter.com/X4fsMY1lp0
— Brent Wentz (@Brent_Wentz) December 23, 2015
56. Tender moments
We feel cold just thinking about this – and a little angry too since that is one seriously rude wake-up.
57. Sympathy
You can always cheer them up and knock them down at the same time.
Although, to be fair, this is pretty thoughtful if someone needs a good laugh.
My brother is having some colon issues and is getting lots of tests. I drew him something to cheer him up. from r/funny
58. Begging to differ
They manage to stick a knife in so deftly sometimes. It just takes one word.
59. Oh, balls
And it’s not like anyone was likely to get in trouble over something like this.
It’s the little things that really twist the knife.
60. Sweet revenge
Beating on your brother as a kid isn’t cool.
But at least he’s not looking for physical revenge. Just deep, humiliating emotional revenge.
My brother said his girlfriend is coming over. Placing these items on his bed should make up for the beatings I took as a kid. from r/funny
61. Sentimental
Leave the mushy stuff to mom and dad.
Besides, who else is going to get your sister something like this? And we can all agree it’s a necessary accompaniment to a new home, right?
62. And your little dog too
But it is a good prank – especially when you don’t send the photo while they’re still away but leave it on their computer.
Then they can only look at their puppy and wonder what really went on.
I asked my brother to take care of my puppy while I was away. I returned to this image as my wallpaper. from r/funny
63. Celebrating the good and the bad
We love it. It’s funny – and probably a bit therapeutic as well. After all, so many people pretend bad things didn’t happen.
Your siblings will always be happy to remind you that you failed (and if they’re really good ones, that they still love you anyway).
64. Mission accomplished
Now the real question – does it go in the recycling bin or do you just recycle it by giving it back to your brother for his birthday?
65. Never forget
That’s basically an invitation to do some bad stuff.
This person was lucky that they only got a few background changes.
66. Cousin Itt
In fact, we had to read through the comments to get some more context and we still don’t understand the sister in this situation.
My sister recently cut off about a foot of hair. She knows it creeps me out, shampoos it regularly, and places it around the house. from r/pics
67. Only so far
But isn’t honesty what siblinghood is all about anyway?
68. Sharing-ish
And this kid came up with an excellent strategy.
In fact, it sounds like he’s carrying on a long tradition of being a good brother.
30+ years of research shows, if you give a kid a Nintendo, he will give his little sister an unplugged controller. from r/gaming
69. Taking it seriously
Anyone who takes photos like this kind of deserves to be pranked in the background.
The lack of pants is questionable, but the sentiment seems spot-on.
70. Way to go
It seems cruel when parents point this stuff out. So maybe that’s why we have siblings.
71. Covered in love
But we love the effort these guys went to in order to get their sister something she wanted and still ruin it with their giant, goofy faces.
That’s a brother for ya!
72. It’s a dog eat dog world
Alternately, siblings are the total WORST, even when they’re adorable puppies.
At leasts humans aren’t alone in being sibling trolls.
73. Spud buddy
Does he take these to the post office? Does everyone get a good laugh in the process?
We’re so confused and amused at the same time.
74. Death metal
You’re never going to find out what’s in there.
It’s a good thing you can rely on brothers-in-law to troll you when other siblings aren’t up to the task.
75. Older brothers
“My sister hid the fact that she had a boyfriend from my brothers and I for 4 months. Tonight was the first time we got to meet him, so we decided to dress up for the occasion.”
We bet that’s a meeting he’ll never forget. Now we know why she hid the boyfriend.
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