Many of us would give our mothers the world if we could. They love us from the day we are born and do everything they can to provide for their children, even if it means working hours on end while making sure they children are well fed, clothed, and most importantly, happy.
Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs out there – but one son found a way to thank his mom for all her hard work.
In a video with over 4 million views, Blogger Michael Luangrath tells the journey of how he bought his very first house – to give to his mother.
In 2002, Michael’s mother got diagnosed with cervical cancer. As her illness grew worse, Michael made the tough decision to quit school and his job to take care of her and her business.

He describes the time as one of the most difficult periods of his life. “I slowly saw her deteriorate,” he said. “I saw her become a shell of the person she once was… I had to choose to be the light.”
Thankfully, after one year of fighting, his mother overcame her battle with cancer.
Around 2004, Michael decided to return to college, but the economy began to go south and medical bills were piling up.
During Michael’s senior year, he returned home for Christmas. His mother picked him up and took him home, but for Michael, they parked in an unfamiliar place.
“Mom, I thought we were going home,” he said.
“This is home now,” she responded.

Even years later, that memory is still fresh in Michael’s mind. His mother lost her previous home due to staggering medical expenses, and her current resident was barely enough space for three people to live.
On that day, Michael made up his mind: he was going to buy his mom a house.
At the time, he didn’t know how he was going to do it – but he knew he was going to.
In 2013, his goal finally became a reality.
Thinking she was being recorded for a commercial for her market, Michael’s mother said, “I work every day, seven days a week, I never get a day off. For 30 years, I never got a vacation.”
And why is she working so hard?
To provide for her family and her children, of course, but also: “I want my dream house. A small house is okay.”
One fateful day, Michael found the perfect house to give his mother.

However, there was some trouble. Michael hadn’t received the keys the day before Mother’s Day. He called his realtor around 4PM, and they only had until 4:30PM to confirm if he could receive the keys to his Mother’s new home.
Though time was running out, thankfully, everything worked out.
Then came the moment Michael worked so hard for.
Dressed in a nicely fitted suit, Michael picked up his mother and told her they were going to make a quick stop so he could pick up a friend.
Little did she know, her son was taking her to her soon-to-be home.

In a beautiful and eloquent speech, Michael explains his deep admiration for his mother’s work ethic, and how he was determined to pay her back once he could afford to.
Finally, as she opens a small box to see a set of keys inside, he tells her, “I bought you a house.”
Naturally, Michael’s mother became overwhelmed with emotion.

“For years, one of the goals of mine was always to provide my mother with something she worked so hard for and lost,” Michael wrote in the description of his viral video. “Las Vegas was one of the hardest hit city in the economic downturn, and my mother ended up losing her home. This is the first house I ever purchased and I wanted to give my mother a home before myself because she deserves it the most. Its been a long time coming and I just wanted to share this special moment with you.
This was in honor of all the mothers out there that work their hearts out. Your children see that and will reward you dearly for everything you have done.”
See this heartwarming moment for yourself. The reveal begins around the 6:40 time stamp.
Michael’s gracious act is one to aspire to. What an incredible gift.
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