Graduation is a momentous occasion in someone’s life. Signifying the end of an era for young adults, it can often be a time of reflection over the years gone by, as well as a a diving board into the future. For these reasons, when a parent’s child graduates it can often be a highly sentimental time.

This was the case for proud Dad Rob, when his son Cole completed his studies.
At age 18, the time had come for Cole to enter the next chapter of his life. For Rob, who seems to love his children more than anything (with fishing looking like a close second), it was a wake up call to slow down and enjoy the moments he has with his son while he still can.

It seems that Rob is a family man, through and through.
And as it turns out, you don’t have to know him well at all to tell that. As he found out himself, the love and pride he shows for his family is infectious.

It was Rob’s pride in his son that touched the heart of a kind stranger one day.
On the day of Cole’s graduation Rob paid a routine visit to the bank. As he entered, he held the door for a woman behind him. When she insisted he enter first he responded “By all means go in front of me. Today my son graduates. I’m slowing down and want to savor every minute”. When the lady entered in front of him they continued with pleasant small-talk about the ups and downs of having an 18 year-old.
Holding a door is always a small act of kindness that can make someone’s day.

As Rob was completing his transaction with the bank teller, something caught his eye.
During the transaction he had left his wallet on the counter below his left elbow. When he had finished with the teller, he noticed that a small white envelope had mysteriously appeared on top of it. He hadn’t brought an envelope like that into the bank, nor had the teller used one.

As Rob turned, he heard his new friend whisper something to him.
“Congratulations, I’m so happy for you”, she said before leaving the bank. Caught off-guard, Rob responded “Thank you” and completed the transaction. Once he and the teller were done, he stepped away and glanced into the envelope. Rob couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the what was inside the envelope. A crisp $50 bill.
“I was floored. I rushed out of the door and looked for the woman. Far off in a car I see her.”

Rushing up to this generous woman, he tells her “I can’t take this!”
But she responded in a way that told him that she would not be taking the money back. She said “When you talk about your boy, YOU GLOW. Your’e a blessing to him, I want to bless him too!”. Needless to say, Rob did not expect this level of generosity from a complete stranger. As Rob writes in his post about this incident:
“I was so touched. I don’t know her name, I’ve ever seen her before. But I will never forget her love. I asked to take a picture with her. And hugged her neck. We need more of this in the world today. Not the money. But kindness.”

Well said, Rob.
In this rare event of a complete stranger showing a little love for a dad and his son, we can hopefully all gleam a little bit of inspiration. Although Cole may not be little any more, you can be sure that this dad’s love will remain as strong as ever.

There’s never an act of kindness that doesn’t make some positive impact on those around them, no matter how large or small.
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Source: Rob Edwards on Facebook, Cole Edwards