If you’ve ever flown with an infant you know how stressful it can be.
The airport alone is no walk in the park – and when you finally do sit on the plane, it’s a juggling act to keep them happy so other passengers don’t glare at you!
A young woman named Mackenzie Murphy boarded a flight from JFK to Boston where she resides. She didn’t have any kids in tow and thought that it would be a pretty easy travel day.

While sitting in her seat waiting for take-off, Mackenzie noticed a mom who was likely very stressed out. That’s because she was traveling with two young babies.
According to Mackenzie, it was such a packed flight that some of the carry-on luggage had to be taken and stored below.
She then saw a gate worker take the car seat that the mom had brought with her. It meant that both of the woman’s babies (twins) would have to stay on their mother’s lap the entire time. Mackenzie guessed they were younger than six-months-old.

But that wasn’t the only problem.
Things got a lot worse for the mom when a flight attendant approached her about the situation, and to deliver her the bad news.
In a Love What Matters Facebook post, Mackenzie explained:
“When she sat down on the plane, a flight attendant immediately told her she couldn’t hold both babies, and would have to leave the flight.”

What Mackenzie observed next “restored her faith in humanity.”
Before the mom had a chance to pack up and leave the plane with her twins – a stranger with a big heart stepped in to help. Turns out, another mom had also seen what was going on and provided a solution.
Mackenzie wrote:
“A mother sitting in front of me, with permission from the other mother, volunteered to hold one of her babies for the entire flight.”

It wasn’t a quick trip either. Although it was a 45-minute flight, they sat delayed on the runway for two-and-a-half hours before take-off.
The kind-hearted stranger took care of the woman’s baby throughout it all.
“Without a complaint this woman fed the other woman’s baby and burped him. Her own daughter started crying. This mom, so calmly, went on to explain to her young daughter that ‘our job is to help other people. This mom is all by herself with no help, and really needs another mom to help.'”

The stranger did her best to keep the infant entertained and comfortable.
Mackenzie watched through the seats as she held the baby and sang to him. Eventually, the baby dozed off, sleeping the “entire flight without even a cry.”

Mackenzie was so touched by what she saw that she snapped a photo and shared the story online.
There was even a lesson too. Mackenzie wrote:
“My heart still feels fuzzy. Moral of the story is when you see people needing help, do the right thing and help them.”

Since Love What Matters posted her story on their Facebook page, it’s been”liked” tens of thousands of times.
In an interview with Daily Mail Online, Mackenzie said:
“My only interaction with them both was when we landed I told the mother who helped out that she’s super mom.”
It’s a story that goes to show how incredible random acts of kindness can be!
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