Dad repeatedly sniffs baby’s hair getting hilarious reaction from baby that’s too cute to ignore
This is probably the most adorable thing we've seen today! 😂
Irene Markianou

Have you ever smelled a baby? It felt great, didn’t it?

It seems that babies release a distinct smell that, in turn, releases dopamine, the “feel-good neurotransmitter that fuels our brain’s reward center.”


While it is unclear what gives babies, and especially newborns, that distinct, addictive scent, some believe it is because of the vernix caseosa, the white-ish substance in which babies are coated when they are born. While this substance is soon removed from the baby after birth, some of it is thought to remain in the folds of the skin, releasing the “baby smell” that everyone loves.

In fact, there are parents who have been asked by strangers to have the baby sniffed by them. Well, that sounds kind of creepy, but you get the point of just how addictive baby smell is.

Now, if strangers ask to smell your baby, imagine how much you, as a new parent, will want to smell your child’s skin and head.


And, although for you it is a calming and soothing experience, it might be the case that your baby is not enjoying being sniffed- like, at all.

This is exactly the case in the video below, in which a new dad is filming himself sniffing his baby’s hair and the baby’s reaction.

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Guess what! The baby is not into it at all! In fact, he hates it and every time dad has a whiff, the baby turns around and gives dad “the look”. It is obvious he is asking him to stop and he’s not even joking about it.

At the beginning of the video, we can see dad and baby, sitting together watching TV. The baby is not looking at his dad and he seems pretty relaxed.

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At some point, the father leans over and sniffs the baby’s hair. Immediately, the baby turns around and stares at his dad with what seems to be a look of disapproval on his face.

The dad then starts talking to him: “What?” he asks, laughing. “Jeez… nosy, bro. Mind your business,” he adds, pretending to have no idea what the baby’s problem is. The baby doesn’t buy it though. He knows that daddy’s up to something and is trying to figure it out.

The baby then turns around, minding his business just like daddy suggested. But, soon, dad comes back for one more sniff.

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The baby, again, immediately knows what’s going on and stares at daddy in disapproval. The whole thing is repeated several times and, although the baby is clearly annoyed, daddy is about to burst out laughing all the time.

The short video has gone viral since it was uploaded in early March this year. Almost 21k people have watched it and hundreds have upvoted it.

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YouTube Screenshot

YouTube users loved the baby and his reaction and they left dozens of comments below the cute video.

“Omg! That baby is an old soul. He looks just like his daddy. They will never get anything past him. Smart cutie pie!” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will”.

We just loved the baby-daddy interaction and we bet you will love it, too!

The video below will definitely make your day so much brighter!

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