This police department is creatively using social media to try to solve an old missing person case.
Back in 1992, Misty Copsey was only 14 years old when she went missing. She and her friend, Trina, went to the Puyallup Fair, but Misty never went home. In the 25 years that have passed, her case has gone unsolved.
So, on the 25th anniversary of Misty’s disappearance, Sunday, Sept. 17, the police department of Puyallup tried a new method of discovering information. They turned to social media.
Using its Twitter account, the Puyallup Police posted a series of tweets from the perspective of Misty.
In an interview with Q13 Fox, the department explained that:
“Our hope is that today as people read the Twitter feed or the Facebook post, that they will hear Misty’s story, follow the hashtag #MistyCopsey, and they’ll actually hear Misty speak to their heart.”
In the past 25 years, the Puyallup Police have received a range of tips and leads, but none ever lead to a suspect or someone that can be linked and held accountable.
Misty’s mom told reporters, “Time heals though. It’s been 25 years.”
At the very least, social media is letting another generation of Puyallup residents meet Misty:
“She’s speaking and it shows her pictures growing up and stuff. People can relate to that. She was a kid.”
Of course, the ultimate goal is that someone who sees the Tweets “from Misty” remembers a crucial detail that will lead police to discovering what happened to the teen so long ago.
Misty’s mom said:
“It would mean the world to me, you know, to have my child home. Knowing she’s been who knows where… disrespectfully thrown somewhere. And she needs to come home and be laid to rest. And I need to be able to go be with her, talk to her.”
The first in a long series of tweets begins with:
“Hi. My name is Misty Copsey. I am missing and I need your help.”
Some share pictures as well as an explanation, such as this one:
At first, the tweets tell followers more about Misty.
“I was a normal kid growing up. I was born in Western WA, but moved to my grandparent’s near Spokane after my parents split. […] Mom and I moved to Spanaway when I got a little older. I was a typical kid and played sports like softball and volleyball. […] As I got older I liked dancing and music and hanging out with friends.”
After a while, the tweets begin to talk about Misty’s disappearance.
“I disappeared on September 17, 1992. 25 years ago today. […] That’s why I am here today – to ask for your help. Do you know anything about that day or about my disappearance?”
The Puyallup Police then go back to telling their followers about Misty from her perspective, including anecdotes like:
“My parents called me ‘Pistol’ when I was little which became shortened to just ‘Pis’ as I got older. LOL, it sounds funny now.”
And this one:
“My best friend’s name was Trina. She lived in the same mobile home park in Spanaway as I did.”
They even shared a photo of Misty and Trina “being typical teenage girls… posing for the camera.”
Eventually, they got to Thursday, Sept. 17, 1992, and what happened that day.
The tweets explain that Misty went to school like normal, and she and Trina went to the fair after. They throw in pleas, such as:
“If you were at the Fair on Sept 17, 1992 and have pictures, the police department would like to see those pictures. […] You never know what will help. Even if it seems insignificant – any information will help.”
At this point, the tweets explain that Misty missed her bus home and then called her mother to let her know she had another ride. Trina had separated from Misty before walking home, so she didn’t know what happened to Misty, either.
The second-to-last tweet in the series pleads:
“To this day I have never been found. Please help bring me home.”
Hopefully, this creative method will develop leads and help Misty finally get home to her mother.
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