Teens take home fake babies for parenting project- teacher shares their desperate texts
Talk about an eye-opening experience.
Cedric Jackson

We love our kids. But let’s face it. When they become teens, they think they know everything. As parents, it’s incredibly frustrating when trying to get an important point across. Often, conversations go nowhere, leaving teenagers to learn life lessons the hard way. This is especially true when it comes to trying to prevent teen pregnancy.

The good news is that teenage pregnancy has declined in recent years. That’s due in part to improved education and better parental involvement. But some kids still find themselves facing this very situation. One school is taking a unique approach to helping kids understand why they shouldn’t have a child at a young age.

What started out as a critical lesson quickly turned into a funny scenario…at least for the instructor.

They’re back…the Chippewa Secondary School in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, decided to have teens take home fake babies as part of their yearly class project. The goal was to have them care for the infants over the weekend. Initially, most of them didn’t take it too seriously. But after activating the babies, that all changed…and boy did it change. The proof is in the texts sent to the instructor.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School

These babies mimic real-life scenarios.

These aren’t just cute dolls the teens can take home and leave in their backpacks. Once turned on, they need the same attention a real mom would give to her infant. That means they need to be rocked, burped, and held, not to mention the diaper changing. These fake babies record all kinds of valuable information, including any rough handling and body temperature. I guess one student didn’t do very well in the second category.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School

This student doesn’t have a clue.

You’d think that common sense would kick in somewhere…oh yeah, they’re teens. This student didn’t even know where to start. I’m sure the instructor got a good chuckle out of this text.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School

Stay in school kiddo.

I’m not convinced that motherhood is the right path for this teenager. At least she reached out to the instructor. But it’s kind of scary that she doesn’t know if her baby is dead or alive. No need for emergency services, she’ll just wait and see what happens. If I were her…I’d keep praying.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School

Is there a hidden meaning behind this question?

I’d like to think this teen was worried because she accidentally spilled some water on the baby or perhaps splashed it slightly while at the pool. But, something far more sinister comes to mind. Eventually, the truth will come out. After all, these fake babies record just about everything so there’s no hiding any evidence.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School

The responses that people posted were almost as funny as the texts themselves.

This mom has a great idea. Boy, that would teach teens to think twice about having unprotected sex. The only problem is the instructor would likely go insane right along with the students.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School/Josh-and-Carrie Gilson-Arra
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School/Josh-and-Carrie Gilson-Arra

Then there’s this woman who has an idea that takes things to an entirely different level of difficulty. With this fake baby, teens would learn two valuable lessons…DO NOT have babies as a teen and stay off drugs.

Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School/Bridget Worley
Facebook/Chippewa Secondary School/Bridget Worley

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Sources: Bored Panda, Facebook
