Often, parents will have to come to terms that their child is not listening to them about certain issues. Sometimes this happens later in life when the child begins to make their own life decisions.
It can also happen earlier when the child is a teenager and becomes rebellious. Most experts will agree that 2-years old is a little young to adopt this type of attitude, though.
The rather assertive toddler in this video doesn’t agree, however.
She’s had enough of what her father is telling her and “doesn’t want to hear it.”

“I don’t wanna hear it!”
The video begins with the father asking the youngster to not clap her hands at him. The girl then proceeds to do exactly that right back at him along with the words “I don’t want to hear it!”

Clap out those syllables.
For those unfamiliar with the communication method the toddler is demonstrating, she is clapping along with each of her syllables.
In recent years, this has become a rather standard way of placing emphasis on something you are saying.

For example, say you told your friend you are going to the store but they didn’t hear you. You tell them again but again they don’t manage to hear what you said.
For added emphasis, you clap your hands with every syllable as you say the words “I. Am. Go-ing. To. The. Store.”
Your friend will no doubt be aware that you are going to the store, although they might not like you as a person after.

“The only reason I’m talking is because you’re talking.”
As the video continues, the man insists that the only reason he’s talking is that she’s talking. If she “no longer wants to hear it” as she says, she should simply stop talking.
All the while someone, likely Mom, is laughing from behind the camera.

Daughter is actually just imitating Daddy.
While it might look like this little toddler is giving her father a “what for” she’s actually just repeating his motions and likely his words as well.
Even as he tells her not to clap at him, he’s doing pretty much the same thing with his hands.
She speaks with the same cadence and hand movements that Dad does, suggesting she’s really just trying to do her best impersonation of her father.

“We’ve been arguing for 12 hours”
The video is only a minute long but at one point the father claims they’ve been going at it like this for 12 hours. That’s a long time!
We’re not entirely convinced Dad’s telling the truth about that, however.

The video of this adorable moment has gone viral.
It’s been viewed over 10 million times on YouTube. Many of the viewers were compelled to leave a comment as well.
“She’s like that because it is hard being a single child raising two parents.”
“Ya know, after hearing both sides, she actually makes a lot of good points,” concluded yet another.

You can view this adorable interaction in the video below.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.