Finding Nemo was overwhelmingly successful when it was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. So, that’s why you’ve probably seen little kids dressed up as little clownfish, or “little Nemos”, each Halloween.
Nemo, the main character in “Finding Nemo,” is a clownfish or clown anemonefish.
Nemo is what is referred to as a false anemonefish. All clownfish are actually born male but can switch their sex. They will only do this to become the dominant female of a group and they can’t change back afterward.

They are among the most recognizable among the reef-dwellers can grow to be up to 4.3 inches long. Perhaps it’s those bright oranges and white colors that make children love them.
One little boy named Jackson decided that he wanted to be Nemo for Halloween.
So, he strapped on his bulbous little costume and hat and happily waddled down the hall at school on Halloween. The boy’s father can be heard giggling while recording his son’s waddle.

The costume is just so big that it requires him to wiggle from side to side when he walks.
It’s the cutest thing ever.
“That is the cutest tail wiggle I’ve ever seen,” his dad says off camera.
He just keeps waddling down the hallway every so often turning around and looking at his dad. Completely clueless as to how absolutely adorable he is.

“Jackson, look here,” his dad calls out. “Say ‘cheese.’ Where did mama go?”
The little boy stops and turns around for a little and smiles the most adorable smiles you’ve ever seen.
Then he goes back to walking, actually, it’s more like waddling, side to side two and fro. It looks like he’s purposely wagging his tail but he isn’t. The costume is just so bulbous that it has a wagging effect.

The video of this little cutie went viral and people online were in love over how cute this little boy is.
“This is one of the cutest costumes I have ever seen, one woman on Facebook wrote. “And the waddle is absolutely the best. Makes the little fish come alive.”

“Cute, adorable and the cutest thing I ever seen,” said another. “The costume is great and the little boy makes it work. Handsome little boy.”
“Boy, is he gonna hate this video when he’s a teenager! Totally adorable!”
Check out this cuteness in the video below.
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