Kids are adorable at just about whatever they do.
They have the most genuine smiles in the world and they bring happiness to all corners of a home. And lucky are those who are living with kids because they have an everyday source of positivity.

However, kids are no masters when it comes to self-control.
Most kids find it difficult to obey commands and to follow orders as they’re told.
You tell them to do this and that but they will not do it, hence, you tell them not to do this and that but they’ll end up doing it.

That’s why the “self-control challenge” was born. A task that’s flawlessly handled by a 2-year-old little girl like a grown-up adult.
What exactly is the “self-control challenge”?
Testing the kid’s patience! #fruitsnackchallenge
— Ernst (@uncle_ernst) May 7, 2020
It’s also called other names like “patience challenge”, “candy challenge”, and “fruit snack challenge”.
The challenge is mainly to check if a kid can resist the temptation of a mouth-watering treat. It can either be a chocolate bar, gummies, or any treat that will put the kid’s self-control to a test.
The challenge has gone viral on social media and people love it.
Parents have been uploading videos of them doing the challenge to their kids and most of these videos became viral.
These adorable self-control challenge videos show parents pretending to be headed somewhere. Before they go, they will leave a tempting delicious treat for their unsuspecting children.
However, the kids are only allowed to eat it once the parent comes back.
Sounds fun, right?
But when did this challenge actually start?
The challenge has its roots back in the early 1960s. It’s when Psychologist Walter Mischel came up with the “Marshmallow Test” together with his entire team at Stanford University’s Bing Nursery School.
As explained by The Atlantic:
“…Mischel and his graduate students gave children the choice between one reward (like a marshmallow, pretzel, or mint) they could eat immediately, and a larger reward (two marshmallows) for which they would have to wait alone, for up to 20 minutes.”
Of all the viral videos of this challenge, this one has been deemed the most impressive.

As of this writing, the video already has over 5.3 million views!
It starts with the toddler climbing the chair in front of what seems like a kitchen counter.
The moment she lays her eyes on the chocolate bar, she immediately says, “Ooh!” It sounds like it’s one of her favorite treats, right?

Then dad says he’s going to give the little girl a challenge. He tells the unsuspecting toddler that he’s going to step away to use his phone and she’s not allowed to eat the chocolate.
As usual, Maylee is only allowed to eat it once dad comes back.
Like what she claims in the video, she’s already a “big girl”.
The little girl steps down and moves away for a bit. She eventually returns after a couple of seconds then says something very unusual for a kid of her age.

“I will develop myself in a positive manner and will avoid anything that may reduce my mental growth and physical health.”

How’s that for a 2-year-old girl? Though she does play with a bit of the play dough, she’s still a kid, after all.
Dad eventually rewards Maylee for not touching the chocolate to which the toddler responds:
“Thank you, daddy!”

It shows the discipline inside their household and Maylee did a great job in nailing the challenge.
And just like what she said, she will surely develop herself in a positive manner as long as she’s guided properly by her kind parents.
See 2-year-old Maylee destroy the self-control challenge below!
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