If you suffer from stress, (who isn’t right now?) then you need to take a page from this two-year-old’s book.
Being two years old is tough.
You have to learn so much stuff, like full sentences, using the potty and politeness. It sounds simple to us grownups, but for two-year-olds, it’s super hard.
Brilee Haderer is one of the many two-year-olds around the world facing the challenges of growing up.
Every day, she’s toddling less and confidently walking more. But there are still accidents along the way. Recently, she slipped while walking and got her fingers caught in the door. At first, Brilee was crying, as any toddler would be.
But then something amazing happened.
Shelbee, Brilee’s mom, came along and started breathing deeply, encouraging Brilee to copy.
Brilee started breathing deeply, but she was still weeping.
The mom then told her daughter to say, “I’m okay.” The girl repeated it.
Then the girl repeated, “I’m strong. I’m beautiful. I’m loved. I’m worthy”
As Brilee repeated these words, the tears stopped flowing. Brilee began to smile.
She looked into her mother’s eyes and said, “Thank you, mom,” and reached out for a hug.
Then the mother and daughter said that they loved each other.
Luckily, Shelbee was recording this heartwarming moment. The footage then appeared on Facebook, where it soon went viral. In just two weeks, the video has gained over 17 million views. It also has more than 99,000 reactions, 64,000 shares and 6,400 comments. People have been saying things like this:
With Shelbee’s parenting, Brilee is sure to succeed! She is clearly doing an incredible job of raising her daughter.
But if Brilee thinks that being two is hard, she should just wait until she turns three. Everyone knows that that’s the age when life gets really tough!
Of course, toddlers cry for many reasons, and it can be difficult to deal with them when the tears start flowing. There are a range of ways to react to different crying fits.
If a toddler cries for seemingly no reason, then it might be because they’re craving attention or wanting to do something that they’re too young for, like having a go at driving. The best thing to do in this case is nothing at all. You may have the urge to shower your toddler with attention. But in this instance, it’s better to show your child that you won’t answer their every whim.
But if your toddler starts crying because they don’t want to do something important, like cleaning up their toys, then you need to respond to them immediately.
That’s because children are trying to delay the thing they don’t like. Instead, you should count to three or take your child’s hands and help them with their chore.
Of course, if your toddler is crying for a valid reason, like accidentally hurting themselves, then Shelbee’s solution is fantastic!
Teach them to affirm themselves with positive statements. That’s the sort of practice that will stop the tears and give children the confidence to succeed in life.
So when your kid grows up to be rich, they’ll owe you for teaching them that they were strong, beautiful, loved and worthy. In fact, they’ll basically have no choice but to buy you the mansion of your dreams!
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