We spend years of our lives wishing we didn’t have to go to school.
From primary right into studying for your Ph.D, there are days you just stay home and/or quit entirely.
But when you’re three and your older siblings are already at school, it feels like you’re missing out on all the fun!

So naturally, 3-year-old Brody was jealous watching his 7-year-old sister pack her bags and go off to school. And he came up with a clever plan to fool all the teachers into thinking he was old enough to be there.
His mom found him in the kitchen, walking around with an open backpack. He was looking for something above the sink.

Pointing at a black marker, he politely asks his mom if she can get it down for him, and write the number seven on his head.
Understandably confused, she asks why in the world she would do that. And Brody confidently responds with “because I’m seven”.
His mom has to politely remind him that he is, in fact, actually just three years old.
He does not like that one bit.

His older sister is seven, so he’s hoping to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and convince them that he is too, so he can join her at school.
Brody’s mom tries to explain that he can’t go to school yet because he’s too little. He’s a big kid, but no one would believe the little guy is seven!
By his logic, having a giant seven on his forehead the teachers wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Why question it when it’s written clearly on his forehead?!
But his mom has to try and explain that it won’t work. He needs three more birthdays before he can go to school, when he’s six.
Brody says he’s finished with birthdays.
Same, buddy. Same.
He does not take this news well though and you can tell he’s trying hard to keep it together.

“Can you get that crayon and write it on my head?” – Brody
“You want me to use this black permanent marker… on your head? And write a six?” – Mom
“Yeah so I can go to school.” – Brody
I love his spirit!

When he grows up and complains that he doesn’t want to go to school, his mom will have to show him this video!
He will be making this exact face again in about 5 years when he’s sick of showing up to school every day. I promise.

Somehow mischievous little Brody gets his hands on the permanent marker and decides he’ll take matters into his own hands.
He takes off the cap and tries to draw a six on his arm instead of his forehead (thankfully).
But then his mom reminds him he doesn’t know how to draw a 6 yet.
That doesn’t stop this determined student!

He gives it a go. And it doesn’t not look like a six… but it also definitely doesn’t look like a six.
He pleads with his mother to fix it for him, but of course she doesn’t want to get his hopes up. This won’t fix his struggle.

Eventually he gives in and admits it’s not a six. He decides it’s a pizza instead.
Approximately 30 million children are deprived of an education in Africa in our modern day. Meanwhile in the West, kids complain about school all the time (myself included). So it’s charming to see a little one so excited to go and take advantage of the luxury of education!
Watch the adorable video below of Brody plotting his escape so he can go to school.
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