Toddlers may get into the most trouble, as most of these kids are toddlers. But no age is exempt from it. These kids prove that they should never be left alone. Mommas and Daddies, please don’t leave your child unattended.
1) She Likes Butter
What is it with kids and butter? For some reason, they can’t get enough of it and treat it like ice cream. This little girl was left alone and she immediately went for the butter and treated it like greasy lotion.

2) That’s not Face Paint
Technically, it’s face paint because it’s on their face but it’s not meant for faces. This dad found his sons with their entire faces, and every inch of exposed skin covered in red and green paint.

3) It’s The Thought That Counts
This daughter drew pictures in the hood of her parents’ van and they were not happy about it. She wanted to write a sweet note and they didn’t even appreciate it. It’s not her fault she couldn’t find window markers.

4) That’s A Lot Of Bubbles
This trio decided to give themselves a bath and went a little extra on the bubbles. It’s like in the movies when someone puts bubble bath in the washing machine or a room fills up with bubbles completely. It won’t be long.

5) Where Is The Rest Of Here?
The poor girl looks so sad and scared. She somehow, got stuck in the toilet. It’s weird because it looks like she ends at the abdomen and that she doesn’t have legs. Are her legs way down there or just scrunched up?

6) She Wanted Lisa Frank
Somebody wanted Lisa Frank instead of some off-brand coloring book. So she threw all of the magazines in the toilet. Not really, she did it because she thought it would be fun. And to be fair, there’s still plenty more. Bathroom magazines are gross anyway.

7) It’s Not Easy Being Blue
Someone got into the blue paint. Maybe it’s his favorite color and he was hoping it would be permanent. He doesn’t look too ashamed and that’s when it’s hard. When the kid doesn’t think he did anything wrong how are you supposed to punish them?

8) The Couch Needed Pizazz
This girl likes to draw but sometimes, it gets out of hand. She has a whole notebook but it obviously wasn’t enough. And the look on her face says that she didn’t do it. You know how the dog gets when he’s bored.

9) This Needs An Explanation
Some say these kids were looking for their dad’s hidden treasure while others say they ate some bad Jell-O. Who knows why they did this but they are old enough to have a reason so I would hear them out.

10) She Loves Him
Is anyone else getting psychopath vibes here? Now everyone in town knows that he is her dad and no one else’s. She’s going places. If this is what she does out of love, I’d hate to see her angry.

11) Every Kid Does This
To be fair, this is normal all the way through the teen years. But when this parent turned around and saw this in the back seat, she couldn’t help but freak out. Kids can be terrifying and not just in the middle of the night.

12) Even The Icons
Some kid got ahold of this laptop and started to get out of hand. They messed with the icons and drew on it. This isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a laptop but it sure does bring down the value and your sanity.

13) Give Her Five Minutes
This kid wanted five minutes to play alone and what did she do? She gave her dolls and animals a spa day. A Barbie is in the toilet, a penguin is with his makeup in the sink, and the twins are wreaking havoc with the toilet paper.

14) It Looks Nice Actually
This isn’t ideal for the plant’s lifespan but at least this kid is an artist. He holepunched the plant and did a pretty good job of it. It almost looks natural or like a sophisticated caterpillar had lunch here.

15) That Look On Her Face
Some kids naturally look innocent while others have an eerie presence. This kid looks like she’s up to no good, always. This time, she really was up to no good because that is going to be a bummer to cleanup.

16) How To Use A Puzzle
These kids do not know how to put together a puzzle. From Phase 10 cards to 1000-piece jigsaws, this cabinet was stuffed full of things that little kids shouldn’t have. This is what happens when you let them get near.

17) She Looks So Pleased
Look at how proud she is of what she has done. She used every ounce of the shaving cream and now the bathroom is covered. But she sits politely on the sink and has her picture taken. And they wonder why she did it.

18) No More Doc McStuffins
This little girl is giving her dog an exam and she’s going full force with it. Did she learn how to do this from watching TV or is it somehow innate? The dog doesn’t seem to mind which is a good sign.

19) Some Kids Are Tyrants
Honestly, if your kid would do this, shame on you. This is a nightmare for employees and other customers. The employee even has to sit in a chair while she works, knowing she has her work cut out for her.

20) What A Sweetie
For real, this kid is adorable. She doesn’t even have a show on and she’s out cold. She made a mess but it was a typical toddler mess that can easily be cleaned up. It sure doesn’t take long for this to happen.

21) Help Yourself
Can you really blame a kid for sneaking a bite or two of the cake? If they’re a toddler and they see dessert on the stove, they’re going to sample it. This was a big sample, but still. As long as the oven isn’t hot, we’re good.

22) Making A Cake
This is what it looks like when a toddler makes a cake themselves. Or at least, tries to make a cake. Flour is their favorite ingredient because of how messy it is and how fun it is to play with. Just don’t forget the butter.

23) How To Crack An Egg
At least cake boy didn’t have any eggs to work with because the only thing messier than eggs on a couch is flour and eggs on a couch. Not only does this family have a mess to clean up but they are also now out of eggs.

24) He’s Not The Only One
My brother used to crawl into the dryer every chance he got. There’s something about the warm capsule that draws toddlers in. This kid is adorable and looks as happy as can be. Just remember to check appliances before turning them on.

25) Am I Smiling Big Enough?
Now that’s a smile. This kid is going to be a whiz with her makeup pretty soon. But right now, she needs a little help. If you don’t want your kid getting into trouble like this then make sure you surpervise when you can.

26) All Done
When you hear a toddler say, “all gone” or “all done” then you better go check on them. This toddler dumped all of his cereal and then some into the sink. This is a bathroom sink without a garbage disposal too.

27) Sirens Going Off
Your kid has probably gotten into trouble but have they ever set off the siren in a police car? Don’t ask how this happened, it just did. The older kid is embarrassed and surprised. The younger one is just proud.

28) Think Of Them As USD
This kid wanted some money to play with. Little did her parents know this is what she was going to do. At least they are Korean dollars so the conversion will not give you a heart attack. But still, it’s money!

29) I Want Them All
This is relatable. You want to try all of the chocolates but you don’t want to get too full. So you take a bite out of each of them. This kid is going places but right now, he’s probably just going to time out.

30) He’s Awful Small For This
This kid is an infant, not a toddler, so why in the world was he left alone? That’s a question only his parents have an answer to. He just wanted some toilet paper and saw his opportunity and he took it.

31) Made You Coffee, Mommy
This toddler tried to make his mommy breakfast, which was just coffee. He knows she likes coffee, what he didn’t know was that ti takes more than a bowl of grounds to get her going every day. Though the bowl might be effective.

32) There’s Been An Accident
I’m pretty sure that the older kid is putting on because he looks like he’s enjoying his sidewalk nap. However, little brother looks concerned. I hope this isn’t a glimpse into the future or else these kids are not going to do well.

33) How Colorful
This is indeed why we can’t have nice things. This kid destroyed their bathroom with a marker. It wasn’t a dry erase either, it was a set of Sharpies. This is also the reason a lot of families don’t have Sharpies in the house.

34) Just A Few Minutes
This doesn’t seem possible but the background says it all. This kid disabled his mom’s phone for quite a long time. She is definitely going to have to call Apple to fix this one because who has 2o million minutes?

35) This Hurts My Heart
This kid actually took the time to peel off every single key on this laptop. The whole thing is going to need replaced which is no easy or cheap task. They say fine motor skills are beneficial, but this picture proves that’s not always true.

36) This Explains It All
If this was what the original cover looked like then it would be much more realistic. This could have sold even better because we all know that kids love tearing stuff up and markers. Oh, toddlers.

37) Go To The Bathroom
Her six-year-old has been asking her over and over if she needed to go to the bathroom. She kept saying no until she finally just did it because she wouldn’t give it up. Since this one isn’t destructive, it’s actually just funny.

38) He Looks Good
I have a feeling that his sister did his marker tattoos because she looks like she’s “distracted” with her foot. A sure sign that she is guilty. The two of them probably get into a lot of trouble together but they are adorable!

39) She’s A Genius
Actually, this is smart. She has her tablet hooked onto the basket handle and now she has a comfy place to sit without having to hold up her show. The Minnie Mouse chair looks comfortable, but this is even better.

40) Blink And Maybe It Will Disappear
There’s something about kids destroying electronics that takes things to a new level. They’ve been destroying walls for centuries and appliances for decades. But the computer destruction is rather new.

41) I’ve Never Seen This One
I don’t even know what this is on that television but it isn’t something that’s easy to cleanup. However, I am impressed that he covered every inch. The kid is going to be good at whatever he chooses to do.

42) Know Your Place
I have a feeling these kids were supposed to take a bath together. Big sister was in charge and either she can’t do anything with her brother or she told him to take a bath there and he was happy to do so. You never know about sibling dynamics.

43) She’s A Ninja
This girl is a boss. She climbed the fridge to get Halloween candy and succeeded. They need to start her training early and she’ll win them the million dollar prize at American Ninja Warrior.

44) Not Chocolate
Don’t worry, it’s not that bad, it’s just mascara. She thought that it was lipstick which is better than her trying to do her eyelashes and poking her own eye. Kids love doing their own makeup, they’re just not very good at it.

45) It Brings Out The Color Of Their Eyes
It’s obvious that they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. All their mom did was blink and she turned around to see this. They look happy about it and honestly they’re not doing a bad job. The color choices are perfect.

46) Just Like His Dog
If kids weren’t taught manners and standards, they’d live like dogs and be happy. But we teach them to be civilized. They don’t get it completely until they are well into their teens. Some people take even longer.

47) Please Don’t Let This Happen
This is a disgrace. This toy aisle doesn’t have to be a mess, it can be a peaceful place for your kids to browse, even try something out. But this is a great learning experience. Some kids have no standards at all.

48) Proud As He Can Be
This little guy is such a ham. He is playing with his dog. Not fetch or anything, just a video game. There’s something about them that is just too perfect. And no, I don’t think that Homer picture was there before.

49) Ew, That’s Not Ice Cream
So, this toddler likes butter…a lot. He took not just one bite, but five huge bites out of these sticks. I understand the first one but after that you’d think he’d realize it’s not something he wants to eat.

50) People Pay For This
People would pay good money for a piece of art like this, as long as it had the right name attached to it. But you know, when it’s on your parent’s wall it somehow because less valuable even though it’s by their favorite artist. Go figure.

51) Need A Tissue?
This child’s face makes him look too innocent to blame. He looks like he’s just having a good, sweet time and even has a runny nose himself. He needed a tissue and no one would get him one.

52) Good Luck With That
This is one of those times I’d probably hire someone to clean up for me. Not a maid, that would be cruel. But maybe a special cleaning team that specializes in nulcear cleanups or something.

53) He Wins The Competition
If this is a contest, the kid who brought the big fish wins. His parents probably didn’t know about this assignment and he probably stuck it in somehow. I’d hate to see that in a backpack.

54) Too Many Suckers
This two-year-old passed out after opening all of her lollipops. She didn’t even eat them all, just opened one right after the other. This is the same logic that gets one bite taken out of every apple.

55) It’s Better This Way
Boo’s door on Monster’s Inc wasn’t plain and boring. So no other kid should have to love with a boring for either. This kid drew all over her door and even painted the doorknob pink. She then added butterflies, Backyardigans, and Jake stickers. Can she do mine next?

56) That’s Some Skill
These kids braided this dog’s tail in a fishtail braid and I have to say that I am impressed. He went to the slumber party and this is the worst thing that happened to him. It’s all good and these kids are going to be amazing cosmetologists.

57) Strawberry Overload
This picture was taken of this kid a while back. He’s an adult now but he still remembers how much he loves strawberries. He would always eat so many that he would get a stomach ache and a little dizzy from it.

58) The Nervous Faces
These two fed the dogs a little too much and they know it. But it’s hard to control yourself when you’re little, especially when pouring something. At least they look guilty and lost at the same time.

59) At Least He’s In The Bath
This kid made a mess, but we’ll give him this one because at least he’s in water already. And if his parents are lucky, he has that bathtub paint instead of something more permanent. They are nice colors.

60) I Think I’ll Cry Now
Now this is a mess with paint. The other parents thought that their kids could make a mess with fingerpaint but I think this kid wins it all. They covered the furniture and the floor with this blue paint. There’s no recovering from that.

61) She’s A Work Of Art
This little girl got into the paint, big time. She looks like a Greek statue now and it’s a good look for her. However, looking at this realistically, you’ll be overwhelmed in no time. Don’t leave the paint out!

62) Please Be Peanut Butter
These kids got into trouble together. One kid was the canvas and the other was the artist. They used a big jar of peanut butter for their project and couldn’t be happier about it. Look at the mess they have made. Or should I say masterpiece?

63) Gonna Need More Groceries
This one needs some explaining. Where did the food come from and why is it in the middle fo the floor? It looks like this kid cleared out the pantry and stacked it neatly in the corner. We use neatly lightly here.

64) Never Give Them Gum
The reason that toddlers don’t get gum isn’t because they’ll swallow it. It’s because they have the ability to multiply it and make it spread like wildfire. This remote will never be the same after what was done to it.

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