People often romanticize the whole idea of parenting like it’s all happy play dates, carefree holidays, peaceful nap times, and productive school days. But in reality, parenting and raising a family takes a lot of work where weekends are almost a forgotten myth, keeping everything clean is a 24/7 job, and 8 hours of sleep is a luxury a few can afford.
It’s an adventure. And like all adventures, it has moments where you just want to pull your hair out, but it will always be overshadowed by moments that will remind you why you are doing it in the first place.
What parents can’t put into words, they put into memes. So here are 48 posts that every parent can relate to.

Reddit - actually_oh
1) Yes, the dad did take this photo
He really captured the joy that the mom feels at being a mother. That’s bliss defined! Maybe they could hang this next to the Mona Lisa?

Reddit - B210930801
2) They were desperate for a short vacation alone
Yet all that the parents wanted when they got there was their baby! Isn’t it weird the way that that works? Stupid brain!

Reddit - Bignaturefan
3) Parenting can be a science if you want it to be
Was the alligator toy the final piece of the puzzle? This is like when they split the atom. But more important.

Reddit - Femmmebot
4) To be fair, they did kind of control what the parent ate
It’s not like pregnant women can just eat and drink what they like anytime they want to. Thanks to the baby, they have to abandon so much fun stuff! Surely, being able to drink alcohol is better than being pregnant, no matter how fussy the child?

Reddit - Lightningboltx
5) How to choose the perfect stroller
The big question is, “What will keep the most important thing safe?” And the most important thing is, of course, a large pizza! This stroller fits a large pizza well!

Reddit - New-dad-here
6) The great unifier
Our parents did it to us. We do it to our kids. But our kids’ kids will be secured into cars by robots, probably.

Reddit - _fuzzy_owl_
7) Why two-year-olds and office work don’t mix
The adult version of, “The dog ate my homework,” is,” The kid wrecked my keyboard,” It’s ok, the dad can just get another job. Because there are tons of jobs out there right now!

Reddit - Actually_oh
8) It’s the thought that counts
How nice it is that the Grim Reaper has a big heart. At the end of the day, the Reaper is just a big old softie. And he’s just a working guy like the rest of us.

Reddit - Tank5209
9) No, the Airpods weren’t under the sofa
The two-year-old child just thought that they’d be safer in the orange juice. Because who doesn’t want ear wax mixed with juice? Yum!

Reddit - MajorRyes
10) You’re welcome
Yes, if you do this, you will be able to get them to actually clean! Sure, they’ll whine. But don’t give in to their demands!

Imgur - CoyotaTorona
11) She got a D in math
To be fair, there are a lot of jobs that you can do, even if you’re bad at math. Online article writing, for instance. See, that’s two jobs right there!

Reddit - FistFullofCookies
12) Dads are just bad a photography
That’s the law. Dads didn’t make that law. They merely enforce it.

Reddit - Gerdyourloins_
13) Congratulations, you’re going to go through hell!
That’s what people would say if they were honest. It’s ok though. Just remember that kids are only kids for 18 years.

Reddit - Osteogenix
14) At least they prefer their mothers to bassinets!
Sure, it’s annoying. But how upset would you be if your baby only wanted its bassinet? See, every cloud has a silver lining.

Reddit - MoanaOoNaNa
15) So this is actually a fact?
If it’s on the internet, it must be true. Everyone knows it’s illegal to lie on the internet. Not that anyone would ever be inclined to do such a thing.

Reddit - Sartastic1234
16) On the plus side, you’re always doing something you love!
This person literally has a perfect life! Imagine always doing something you love! So stop complaining!

Reddit - Lilyspears
17) Is this a screenshot from a horror movie?
No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape this monster. It will just keep on toddling after you. Even when you go to the bathroom.

Reddit - OliveYupHope
18) Could “womb gremlins” replace the words children and kids?
It sure does have a ring to it. 2020 has been a major year for changes, after all. And any parent that’s been stuck inside with their kids will want to use the phrase “womb gremlins.”

Reddit - LadyJane17
19) Gotta take that exit
Because Netflix is better than dreams. Why? Well, you can pause Netflix whenever you want.

Reddit - Tessa1hope
20) At least you managed to make coffee
We’re all phone addicts nowadays. Sure, it might not be healthy. But at least we’re all participants!

Reddit - Ash_hi_ash
21) To be fair, that joke never gets old
How can a foot be a phone!? Has the whole world gone mad? What fun.

Reddit - Bess Kalb
22) This but in an endless loop
It’s like babies haven’t learned and developed their brains to the same level as adults. What’s with that? Get with the program!

Reddit - Itsbreebetch
23) If the sun is up when you wake, that’s a lie in
The hardest part? What does this person consider to be the second hardest part? The Sunday early morning?

Reddit - Itsbreebetch
24) Kids and music, what a terrible combination
Yes, it’s important to encourage your child to learn an instrument and express themselves. You don’t have to enjoy it, however. Earplugs anyone?

Reddit - Bloodywolfeyes
25) That is a funny trick though
It’s like there are stairs behind the sofa! Did mom ever do anything like that? Case closed.

Reddit - GolfDadNotes
26) If the baby wants to have a tantrum, they’re gonna have a tantrum
Nothing has to be wrong. The baby just has to be feeling it. Tantrums ahoy!

Reddit - OhhhOkMomo
27) It’s hardly their fault that everything dangerous looks so fun
Yes, you thought you’d got everything pointy well away. But they found yet another pointy thing! What pointy thing will they find tomorrow?

Reddit- Bookdragon
28) Mother nature really messed up with teething
“What do babies hate? Any kind of discomfort. I know, I’ll make them sprout some sharp little rocks from their gums!”

Reddit - Kckcm
29) If only adults could overeat and know that growing will fix it
Some animals just keep on growing their entire lives. How lucky! They can overindulge and just wait for the weight to stretch out.

Reddit - Timtamsforbreakfast
30) The true circle of life
Why does quietness sound so worrying nowadays? Remember when silence was boring? Those were the days.

Reddit - Largeandincharge9618
31) On a scale of Grease to Pulp Fiction, how’s your relationship?
So that’s what the Grease song that goes “You better shape up” was all about! You better shape up, because the kids are gonna kill you otherwise. Mentally and physically.

Reddit - FiddyFace
32) He’s someone else’s problem for a little while
Of course, the baby will be a hot potato. There’s no shame in handing him over for a little while. Just enjoy the moment.

Reddit - Cashew55
33) Hallelujah!
What could be more Christian than drinking wine? Bottles and bottles of it. The more you drink, the closer you are to Jesus.

Reddit - MovingLetters
34) “Easy” is subjective
There are probably harder chairs to clean out there. So that means that it’s easier to clean than at least two other chairs. At least babies tend to be clean creatures.

Reddit - Srg717
35) At least there aren’t spectators
Or at least there aren’t so many spectators. You know, there’s nothing wrong with helping out. The more helpers the merrier!

Reddit - Buffchixsandwich
36) So sad
You mean eight hours with no crying children? That sounds awful. Can I do overtime?

Reddit - DatPoodleLady
37) So relatable
Why are they so damn fiddly? Baby gates, not murderers. But also murderers.

Reddit - Pricefield
38) That expression is so right.
Anyone who hasn’t seen Game of Thrones must be confused. She’s like a queen in exile who tries to take over her land again. She’s also a mother of dragons.

Reddit - Beekerboogirl
39) Praise please
Gender equality is still a long way away. One day, we’ll share responsibilities the right way. One day.

Reddit - Toseeincolor
40) Maybe she’s tired of unwanted advice?
Janet will always butt in. And yes, we all have someone like Janet in our lives. They’re inescapable.

Reddit - Robotmama123
41) This makes that Grim Reaper card look friendly
The baby doesn’t have a big heart on his body or anything. This is just a message of doom. Terrible doom.

Reddit - Heytakealook
42) It’s like peekaboo, except with anxiety instead of fun
Must keep looking. How are they so stress inducing even when quiet? When do we start the renting out bit of parenting?

Reddit - MommaThugNasty
43) Mrs. Doubtfire ages like fine wine
Theory: Sally Field knew that Mrs. Doubtfire was her ex husband all along. She just wanted some alone time. Just put yourself in her shoes.

Reddit - Tesss_tickles
44) She looks like she’s earned that halo
Baby Jesus, not so much. Sure, you can walk on water. But you never raised a child!

Reddit - MommaThugNasty
45) Just wait until midnight
No, you won’t magically transform back into your old self. The baby will start screeching louder than any known alarm. But then you knew that already.

Reddit - Thegloriousushers
46) Parenting hack: accept the mess you’ve put yourself in
You’ll miss it when it’s gone. Although that WiFi password hack earlier did seem pretty good. So maybe there’s 1 hack, possibly more.

Reddit - MommaThugNasty
47) Shoulder pads are gonna make a comeback
At least hairstyles never go out of fashion. Rock that mullet! Don’t give man buns the time of day!

Reddit - Lbplykewhoa
48) And there are like 20 more issues on top of this
Can you see why it’s hard to be a teacher? This but there’re 30 kids in the room. Poor teachers.

Reddit - SamSam0705
Yes, too many of these are relatable. No one forced you to go through every slide. And yet you did
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