Did you ever jump on a trampoline as a kid?
Anyone who has been on one knows just how thrilling it can be—with the right timing, you and any friends you might have with you can get catapulted into the air. Still, although trampolines can be a lot of fun, they’re mostly known as a parent’s worst nightmare. Though they may be safe for responsible adults to use, children should be very careful.
As it turns out, trampolines can be particularly dangerous for children under six years old.
In a story going viral online, mother Kait Ellen explains how her family learned the hard way.
Ellen and her husband went to an indoor trampoline park near their house to take their three-year-old son Colton to have some fun for the day. They were cautious with the boy, jumping gently beside one another when all of a sudden he yelled out in pain.
Colton had been seriously injured. Ellen explained in a post on Facebook:
“As hard as it is to relive the past 12 days, we feel compelled to make other parents aware of the danger associated with indoor trampoline parks. Colton fell and broke his femur, the strongest bone in his body, while innocently jumping alongside his dad and I. Come to find out, according to the America Academy of Pediatrics and the America Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons ‘children under the age of 6 should never use a trampoline.’ This is due to the fact that their fragile bones are not meant to withstand the repetitive pressure from jumping. We had no idea and were shocked to find this out from our pediatric orthopedic surgeon during Colton’s hospital stay. Our lives have been turned upside down since Colton’s accident and every day is a struggle for his sweet 3 year old self as he adjusts to life in a hip spica cast for the next 6 weeks.
We share this with you today to spread awareness that these facilities are specifically advertising for Toddler Time, when in fact toddlers should be no where near trampolines. We hope by sharing his story it will prevent a child and their family from experiencing the trauma and heartbreak associated with trampoline injuries in young children. Please help us by sharing this story!”
Although Ellen’s family is dealing with the issue, she thought the message deserved to be spread.
Although jumping on trampolines can be dangerous in general, it is especially dangerous for smaller children. Because their bones are so fragile, they are more prone to injuries which can lead to further disability in life. For any readers with little children: be careful out there!
Thanks to Kait Ellen and her family—we wish them a speedy recovery.
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