The ‘Tolbert Triplet Reveal’, a video posted to Facebook by WUSA 9 has recently gone viral. It features Robert and Nia Tolbert discovering the sex of their triplets— and while that’s exciting enough on its own, the couple’s back-story makes it particularly incredible.
Robert and Nia met while visiting their friends at work. The pair quickly fell in love and ended up getting pregnant with their first son Shai.

In 2014, when Shai was 3 years old, Nia and Robert were married. It wasn’t long after that they would discover they were pregnant with twin boys, Riley and Alexander.
“We joked about having a big family, but we never thought it would happen to us,” thirty-one-year-old Robert told WUSA 9. “We thought we were good with one or two, but here we are.”

Where is “here” exactly? Well, now only 2 years after the twins, the couple is once again pregnant. This time though, it’s with triplets.
Nia discovered the news right before heading off for a trip to Tampa, Florida. She said she immediately knew there was more than one baby when the sonogram tech started asking if multiples ran in her family. “Yes, it’s twins, there are two babies,” the nurse confirmed. When Nia returned from the washroom, however, the nurse found herself corrected: “There’s three. Baby A. Baby B. Baby C”
Needless to say, Robert was also shocked. “Oh I passed out,” he told WUSU 9, laughing. “I hit the bed. I blinked twice; when I woke up I saw that some time had elapsed on the clock.”
According to Dr. Rami Tabbarah (via WUSA 9), an OBGYN at Inova Women’s Hospital, having twins and then triplets is extremely rare with natural pregnancies.
“It’s extremely rare. We’re talking less than one in 1,000 [births]. That’s a very low chance for it happening to anyone in general.”
There are some factors that make certain women more likely to have multiple births, such as height, heredity, ethnicity, and age. In Nia’s case though, it’s likely hyperovulation— meaning she has more than one egg ovulating at the same time.
“Hyperovulation is very rare. Eight people out of 1,000 [in the United States] might be hyperovulators and those will be the people that get twins,” Tabbarah told WUSA 9.
The Tolbert triplets are due in early March, and WSU 9’s video shows them discovering the sex of their three new babies! Since being uploaded, it has been shared over 1,000 times and people just can’t enough of the exciting surprise.
Watch it for yourself below!
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