Parenting is often a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with moments of sheer joy and heart-stopping fear.
It’s not a journey for the faint-hearted.
Yet, in the midst of the chaos, there are guardian angels who appear just when they’re needed the most, turning potential tragedies into tales of hope.

During an incident in Kinston, North Carolina, a routine traffic stop turned into a life-saving event.
The family of an infant, who was on the brink of a crisis, wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the State Highway Patrol Trooper who intervened at the right moment.

Derrick Stroud and his fiancée, Victoria O’Neal, were in a race against time.
Their daughter Amelia, one of a set of triplets, was in distress.
They believe that if it hadn’t been for Trooper Matthew Brown’s swift actions after halting their vehicle, Amelia might not have made it.
To them, the trooper is a real-life angel.
“It’s like God sent him to be there,” they told News Channel 12.

It all happened while they were rushing to the hospital.
A desperate Derrick had sped down Highway 148 at nearly 100 mph, trying to rush Amelia from their Kinston residence to ECU Health.
The reason?
Amelia had stopped breathing due to symptoms of RSV.

Recalling the harrowing experience, Derrick shared with the news station:
“I really had no words, but other than focusing on getting my baby to the hospital to get taken care of. Although we knew it was the season for this stuff, we really didn’t pick up on it. Other than a little cough, and that cough went from cough to a hoarse cry in the matter of three to six hours.”

Derrick was acutely aware that his speeding might attract attention from the police.
But when Trooper Brown pulled them over, it turned out to be a blessing.
That’s because the officer instantly recognized Amelia’s distress and knew how to help.

Trooper Brown, hailing from Lenoir County, isn’t just any officer.
With a background as a firefighter and EMT, he was equipped with the skills needed in that critical moment.
Describing the situation, Brown told News Channel 12,
“When I got back there, the baby was unresponsive sitting in the child’s seat. I turned her head towards me and I could see that her lips started to go blue and she was having a lot of trouble breathing.”
He continued:
“Once I got her out of the seat, she started to breathe a little bit better. Her blueness started to go away and I started to rub her back and stimulate her to keep her awake where she could focus on getting her breathing back to normal.”

Humble in his heroics, Brown, who is a twin himself and expecting twins soon, downplayed his role, stating he was merely doing his duty.
However, for the couple, his actions meant the world.
An emotional Derrick expressed how grateful he was to the trooper, and wanted him to know how he was their “angel” that day.

Today, Amelia’s condition has stabilized, and she’s on the road to recovery.
However, taking no chances, her parents have decided to get their other two daughters checked as they’ve started showing signs of RSV.
Watch the video below to see an interview with the very appreciative dad and the heroic trooper!
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